As a wee lad, I used to skim through our backyard pool with a soggy green cardboard ring wrapped around my finger.

I think at once stage I had almost every Silver Age issue from 100 to 200. I was especially a big fan of Len Wein's and Dave Gibbon's Green Lantern (and was really weirded out when Gibbons went on to do the art for Watchmen - I thought his art was too sleek and pretty for such a gritty comic).

But I also read All-Star Squadron, which had Alan Scott, and that version of GL still has one of the best superhero costumes (Marty Nobell explains in the article why he gave GL puffy sleeves and the cowl).

Having said that, I didn't bother to read the 80th anniversary extravaganza which struck me as too schmaltzy.

Pimping my site, again.