I've read a number of H.P Lovecraft adaptations in comics, not all of which I can recall offhand.

The first I ever heard of Lovecraft was the Wrightson story "Cool Air", reprinted with beautiful colors in BERNI WRIGHTSON: MASTER OF THE MACABRE 2, in 1983 (originally published in EERIE 62, Jan 1975 in black and white).

Here's the black and white version, with the complete hardcover of Wrightson's Warren work in its original form:

There were a number of good Lovecraft adaptations in the underground SKULL COMICS in 1971-1972, issues 4-5 (and issue 6 is an original story, but in the Lovecraft flavor).

SKULL COMICS issues 1-3 are more underground-ish, with sex, drugs and hippies, but also capture and are tribute to the unrestrained 1950's E C horror comics. I like the more sophisticated turn the series took in issues 4-6. With some nice art on multiple Lovecraft stories, from an unholy host of underground artists, including Spain Rodrigues, Jaxon, Corben, Sheridan, Dallas, and Dietch.