
Two more underground series that ran concurrent with SKULL COMICS in the 1970-1972 period:

FANTAGOR 1-4, and a much later 5th magazine-size issue published in 1983

Richard Corben's self-published underground, with an E.C. style host chaqracter "Gurgy Tate" introducing the stories.
I especially like the opening and closing splash pages of the two-headed Fantagor and Gurgy Tate in issue 5.
Issue 1 is black and white, issue 2 is partial color, and 3 and 4 are full color. Issue 5 is partial color, and I think black and white works better on the horror stories presented.

GRIM WIT, he other E.C.-styled underground horror book by Corben from that period, hosted by Horrilor

These issues aren't online to read yet. There's a back cover house ad/poster on issue 2 that shows all 3 E.C.-styled horror hosts in one ad together, promoting the whole line.

Corben also did intro splash pages of another host character in WEIRDOM COMIX 14 and 15, more of a sexy Vampirella-type host character.

In 1973, Corben began doing work for Warren in CREEPY, EERIE, and VAMPIRELLA, and at that point his underground work mostly stopped.

A CORBEN SPECIAL, released in 1984 by Pacific Comic, is a pleasant addition, reminiscent of Corben's work on all these earlier horror/gothic offerings, adapting Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher"