Hello Dave.

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
So the "blue wave" ease to power which many Dem supporters thought was going to characterise this election has been diluted by seeing views from both sides of the fence.

So, thus far, I'm really surprised by Maine's current results, and the other way surprised by Montana. Disappointed by Texas, which I would have guessed was increasingly liberal. In Arizona I wonder if Biden got a boost by McCain's widow coming out for him.

The theory on this one--which I'm leaning toward--is California. Liberals who couldn't afford to live under the policies they put in place leave in waves and go to cheaper-to-live states and then proceed to vote in the same policies that motivated them to leave their previous homes in the first place. In which case, the California exodus has seen droves of people head to Texas and Arizona.

Was McCain's wife a factor? Perhaps. But I have a feeling the stated perception of her influence was utilized to justify a flip that the Demmy media already saw coming even though it is, quite frankly, out of left field. People tend to overstate the affect that icons have over the larger culture of a given environment. In my experience, people know how to think on their own regardless of what a single individual says. Besides, she was never that popular.