Oh well, worth a shot on the politeness concept. Silly me. The problem is that Democrat voters are going to think that a Trump win is also a power grab, especially if he calls victory too early. So, the same deep scepticism as you have. Echooooooooo.

While I was eating sushi, Twitter has slapped down the Trump tweet on stolen elections. Well, that bodes well for a peaceful transition, if it comes to that.

So, back from lunch, what do we have... Fox has Minnesota to Biden, CNN and Fox say a Nebraskan split vote 4:1 to Trump. North Carolina looks like a dead heat. NYT says 224:213 in favour of Trump. Fox (who seem to be speedier) say 238:213. Someone in my office said that there are 1m Michigan postal votes to count. I can't find a source backing that. Biden is 300K behind Trump in that state.

Pimping my site, again.
