Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Pariah
Bearing this in mind, the polls lie. Obviously.


On average, the (Democrat partisan) polls over-sample Democrats as a ratio of voters by about 10%
And one poll by CNN/Washington Post showed Wisconsin at -17% for Trump.
Trafalgar (the most accurate pollster in 2016, and the only poll to show Trump winning Michigan in 2016) at the same time on Sunday showed Wisconsin at +1 for Trump.
That's an 18-point innaccuracy!

The mainstream polls, like the liberal media and social media tech giants, are all part of the Democrat machine to discourage Republican voters. They are nothing more than psychological warfare at this point.
And that may have been the case as far back as 1988. Dukakis was going to win by a 17-point margin in 1988. How did that one work out?

Hi Dave

I think pollsters are genuinely meant to be non-partisan. But given the polls said that there would need to be double the margin for error of 2016, something is definitely going wrong with their methodology. FiveThirtyEight (who, remember, said a "plausible Trump" possibility of victory) is going on about how difficult it is to reach people in rural areas. They'll be doing a lot of navel gazing yet again.

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