Originally Posted by Pariah
PA has already stated that the state will not be called today in the interest of insuring 'every vote is accounted for'. NC will likely be in a similar situation. Democrats managed to take advantage of the liberal plant, Justice Roberts, who has allowed them to keep votes flowing into the states three days past the election. Trump will cry fowl--as well he should. As counties that were clearly turned red gradually metamorphasize to blue over a long enough timeline, the rules of the game will be clear cut to everyone. And that spark will risk a conflagration.

Yes. The election after the election. Trump was prepared in advance for this, with his own army of about 600 lawyers, to hopefully contain any dirty tricks attempted by the Democrat lawyers (and Democrat-owned judges). What I like is Trump is under-estimated. A real estate agent I know from New York who knew Trump years before the 2016 election told me that her interactions taught her that Trump always plays to win, and that he doesn't enter any situation he isn't prepared to win. And unlike the sellout Republican establishment, Trump is not averse to playing hardbaall if that's what it takes to win.