Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Lots of Dems on Twitter saying that Trump is trying to commit a coup, because he has claimed victory without a final vote count confirmation nor a concession.

I don't see it that way. Trump is committed to a legal process in the Supreme Court. That's not coup behaviour.

So, the conspiracists are all out hunting this evening.

I don't have many nice things to say about Pence, usually, but I do commend him on his walk back. He is confident, but he said "road to victory" not "victory". That's solid and responsible.

In a nutshell, Democrats are out to sell whatever incendiary narrative will allow their side to win.

Or alternately, to incite violence and riots to punish the winners and blame them for the chaos. Burning down the system, out of pure spite.

Out of curiosity, what do you dislike about Pence? He was a competent governor, and is a very sincere and respectful guy, who chooses his words much more carefully than Trump. Granted, he's not Mr. Excitement. He's kind of the "non-Trump" straight man, in contrast to Trump's no-holds-barred ostentatious approach. The only area I've ever herd hostility toward Pence is in regard to his views on gays as governor, which are essentially the views of conservative Christians in general.