Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Nov 4, 2020, 3:05 AM
Georgia (50.7%, with 93% counted),
North Carolina (50.1% Trump, 94% counted),
Pennsylvania (56.6% Trump, 64% counted),
Michigan (53.7%, 66% counted)
Wisconson (51.2% Trump, 88% counted),
Nevada (47.6% Trump, 67% counted)

all but one have Trump leading by a good margin, well over 50% in most cases.
Currently it's Trump 213 and Biden 238.

It seems to me that Trump still has a very good likelihood of being re-elected, for all the wild speculation otherwise.

Updating the remaining states:

Georgia (50.5%, with 94% counted)........................................16 electoral votes
North Carolina (50.1% Trump, 94% counted)..........................15
Pennsylvania (54.9% Trump, 79% counted)............................20
Michigan (49.3% Trump, (vs 49.1% Biden!) , 90% counted)....16

and in the Biden column
Wisconson (51.2% Trump, 88% counted).................................10
Nevada (47.6% Trump, 67% counted)........................................6

Granted these are very narrow margins and could change. But if the current count remains, it would end up: