Just a reminder, from election night...

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Nov 4, 2020, 3:05 AM

IGeorgia (50.7%, with 93% counted),
North Carolina (50.1% Trump, 94% counted),
Pennsylvania (56.6% Trump, 64% counted),
Michigan (53.7%, 66% counted)
Wisconson (51.2% Trump, 88% counted),

Nevada (47.6% Trump, 67% counted)

all but one have Trump leading by a good margin, well over 50% in most cases.

Currently it's Trump 213 and Biden 238.

...and since then questionable vote counting has eroded Trump's majority in every one of those states, even the ones where he still leads, in half the states manufacturing a majority for Biden.

Why be suspicious? Visible to the public are elections supervisors who have expressed their vitriolic hatred for Trump in advance of the election. Postal workers who have thrown away ballots for Trump, postal workers who have falsely stamped ballots AFTER Nov 3 with a hand-stamped "Nov 3rd 2020" date (exposed by Project Veritas), a postal service completely dominated by a rabidly pro-Democrat public union (like the Teachers Union, like the IRS, like the FBI, like the State Department), and very recent past arrests and convictions of postal employees and supervisors for election fraud.

We have Democrat election supervisors who again have very recently been caught tampering with ballots, in Philadelphia, and in Dade and Broward counties in Florida, as just a few examples. We have election supervisors in Philadelphia and in Nevada who have obstructed monitors from being able to observe of ballot counting, forcing monitors to stand at least 30 feet away where they can't really observe signature matching, and election staff even put up cardboard in the windows so monitors could not observe at all. And even so, monitors could still observe election staff slip batches of unsecured/unprocessed ballots secretly in with the processed ballots.

In all these cases, there are blatant and proven examples of deliberate election fraud, and yet the Democrat/Left side acts as if it's wild conspiracy theory when Republicans express concern and suspicion about the integrity of ballots, when there absolutely is legitimate concern, and in many cases evidence, of election fraud.

In Philadelphia and in broader Pennsylvania, elections supervisors say there are many more uncounted mail-in ballots, BUT THEY WON'T SAY HOW MANY MORE THERE ARE. So that if Biden is losing, they can whip another frew thousand falsified ballots out of a magic hat, to put Biden ahead in the end? There is evidence of multiple corrupted parts of the ballot "chain-of-custody" that seem hell-bent in that direction. And the frustration is, we knew in advance this is what they would do, and here it is happening right in front of us.

M E M and the Democrats like to boast about how they won the popular vote in 2016.

And are again boasting the same of Biden in 2020. But I argue that the evidence is that the number of fraudulent Democrat votes in 2016 far exceeded Hillary Clinton's 2.8 million-vote "winning" of the popular vote. The number of fraudulent votes in California alone could probably account for that margin, between dead people voting, people voting at 2 or more locations, ballot harvesting, and illegal immigrants with CA driver licenses falsely checking a box saying they are U.S. citizens on their driver license application to get a voter ID (that no one ever checks to verify if they are actual U.S. citizens and able to vote.)

In a previous More voter fraud by Democrats topic, True The Vote watchdog group in just 28 of the 50 states found 6.8 million illegal voters. Mona Charen detailed that well.

I've frequently mentioned "Cloward and Piven strategy", first introduced by the two so-named leftist college professors in a published plan in 1965, a Cultural Marxist plan to basically overwhem the system, to deliberately cause the system to collapse, and amid the chaos of the collapse, leftists can implement radical marxist reforms and redistribution of wealth under cover of the chaos.
As applied to an election, you can, say, overwhelm the system with 3 million illegal votes. And if 90% of those are intercepted and prevented, you still manage to slip 300,000 illegal votes in, amid the massive fraud.

After the 2012 election, Dan Heninger of the Wall Street Journal said that the 2012 victory was narrow enough that the election could have been turned for Obama with just 300,000 votes in a few key districts.
And even back in 2008 and 2012, the evidence was there were much more illegal votes than that. 7 million fraudulent votes, in just 28 states investigated. And the Democrats make sure there is no enforcement to prevent it, because it their network of fraud! And no legal penalty, even if caught.

My greatest fear in the months leading up to election night was that Trump would win on election night, and then have the victory snatche away from him in the days or weeks after the election. That is exactly what is happening.