Tucker Carlson, 11-4-2020, Thursday

Carlson in his editorial on the election night of the previous 24 hours, and of the Orwellian unholy alliance of Democrats, fanatically liberal/partisan news media, corporate tech giants and social media, and their super-rich billionaire funders, and the federally empoewered Deep State aligned with them. And how they are steamrollering over what's left of our Constitutional republic. Followed by historian Victor David Hanson, further clarifying along the same lines, how Democrats and the corporate/billionaire elite are threatening with all their power to crush all opposition to their Orwellian takeover, even threatening Republican senators like Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Susan Collins, each of whom were facing the most expensive challenges to an incumbent senator, elites funding their opponents over 100 million each. Basically to senators: if you oppose our agenda, we will crush you, we will destroy you, and we have unlimited resources to do so. In the case of Trump and many of his officials: We will falsely accuse you, indict you, bankrupt you with legal fees, imprison you. And they have.

I don't think anyone but Trump has the will to stand up to this, I think anyone else would have surrendered to the Orwellian elites. And if he is replaced as president, it will only get worse, and I doubt the corruption Trump wa fighting will ever be cleaned up. I don't think any other president ever fought so hard for the American people, and has earned another 4 years.


Orwell's elite at Youtube took it down, before I could even post it.