Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I am enjoying the extended butt hurt btw.

You being a homosexual male, M E M, I'm sure you know a lot more about butthurt than the rest of us.

I don't consider it "butthurt" to vigorously oppose blatant corruption.

As an example, Trump was ahead in Tuesday night in Pennsylvania with a margin of 690,000 votes, with 79% of the votes counted, in a state with a population of 12.8 million people. and somehow within 48 hours, fraudulent vote-counting erased that huge margin, and flipped that to 15,000 votes in Biden's favor. That means, out of the remaining 21% of PA's votong population of 1,294,750 (calculated from the voting totals of the 2016 election), that would require well over 55% of the remaining votes to have miraculously gone to Biden in less than 48 hours. And since we're talking about a population in Pennsylvania, and not Boston or Berkeley or Washington DC, that's just not possible.

By comparison, Pennsylvania went to Trump in 2016 by 0.72%. It just doesn't pass the smell test.

Add to that :

whoa The 54 witnesses Giuliani has for his case, in less than 3 days. Mailmen admitting they were ordered to tamper with mail (as documented by Project Veritas, and by Giuliani's investigation)
;whoa: Mailman testifying date-stamp ballots arriving Nov 4th or later were fraudulently stamped as "Nov 3rd" by their supervisors. They were ordered to set aside ballots for this fraudunent stamping,
whoa Huge trashbags of illegal unprocessed ballots mixed in with the normally processed votes, as witnessed by both observers and election staff.
whoa Harassment and intimidation of Republican vote observers, cardboard put up on the windows to further block their ability to observe, keeping the vote-counting tables 30 to 150 feet away so observers could not do their jobs, threatening observers with arrest if they came any closer. Democrats will say "obsrvers were present". But in fact, while present, Democrat staff prevented them from being able to observe much of anything.
whoa The fact that Biden got way more votes than the senators on the same ballots, at least 100,000 more in several states,
whoa Thousands of people who can be proven to be dead or have moved out of the state, but somehow managed to cast a vote for Biden.
whoa The computer program "Dominion" in Michigan flipped about 6,000 Trump votes in a second to Biden votes, and appears to have done the same in 47 other Michigan counties, and the same program was used in 30 other states (a programming company, by the way, partly owned by two members of Nancy pelosi's family). Other fraud-enabling programs used are Scorecard and Hammer.

That's not "butthurt" those are solid examples of election fraud. And your party, which has no shame, should be deeply ashamed. But clearly, you and many other Democrats have no ethics, you still support it and hope your party can can get away with it. Whatever allows your side to win. Democrats, the party of lawlessness and undermining Constitutional law.