Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yeah Trump basically wants a coup because he lost the election and most of his court cases.

What are you talking about? Garnering electoral votes through the legislatures has nothing to do with a coup. It's, like, the opposite of a coup since it relies upon the representative framework of the states.

Can’t get more anti-democratic than that.

Voter fraud wouldn't be more anti-democratic? Is this your indirect means of saying that you were one of the tabulators?

They hand counted all the votes in Georgia and Biden still won a state controlled by republicans. Now trump is begging his base to vote in the run off elections all the while proclaiming its all fixed.

Assuming Powell doesn't blow the lid off Georgia.

Imagine it for a moment: a country-wide AUDIT. Are you confident enough to think the down-ballot demmies would maintain their winner status? Or are you too complicit to answer honestly?