Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yeah Trump basically wants a coup because he lost the election and most of his court cases. Can’t get more anti-democratic than that. They hand counted all the votes in Georgia and Biden still won a state controlled by republicans. Now trump is begging his base to vote in the run off elections all the while proclaiming its all fixed.

You allege it's TRUMP who wants a coup?!?

The coups have been firing like artillery from the Democrats (and from the liberal media, FBI, DOJ, CIA, and deep state/establishment Republicans) on Trump's presidency for the last FOUR YEARS.

Coup 1: The FBI's four consecutive FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page (known now to have been planned by Obama, Biden, Yates, Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Susan Rice in a Jan 5 2017 Oval Office meeting, courtesy of Sally Yates' own self-incriminating notes) and through FISA surveillance on Page, spying on other Trump campaign officials, as well as the FBI infesting Trump's campaign with moles like Stefan Halper and Joseph Mifsud, to internally spy on Trump officials, to trick them into perjury traps and into breaking laws, to manufacture crimes to prosecute them on. Welcome to Orwell's 1984.

Coup 2: The FBI counterintelligence "Russia collusion" investigation, using the fraudulent Christopher Steele "Russia Dossier" as falsified evidence. After 9 months, with absolutely no evidence, the FBI was forced to close the case. But the false narrative and media taalking points opened the door for....

Coup 3: The Rosenstein-appointed Mueller special investigation, made up of 18 rabidly pro-Obama/Hillary and rabidly anti-Trump lawyers. In less than 3 months, they found absolute proof that Trump was innocent, but they kept the investigation open until July 2019, in order to influence the Nov 2018 mid-term election in the Democrats' favor. And the deceit worked, giving Democrats a slight majority in the House, depriving Trump of 1 of 4 branches of government.

Coup 4: Just when the Mueller investigation ended, a week later the "Whistleblower" allegation was prepared and unleashed, of Trump allegedly acting inappropriately in a phone call with the newly elected Ukranian president. The manufactured scandal led to...

Coup 5: The completely unjustifiable attempt to impeach Trump. Zero evidence, Democrats maliciously unleashed it, along a straight party-line vote, abusing their narrow House majority. It failed.

And now,
Coup 6: The Nov 2020 election, where Demcorats rigged the election. It can be proven multiple ways.
1) By the forensic computer evidence that the vote-totals were manipulated by Dominion voting machines and software (thanks for your overview, Pariah) , aided with CIA programs Hammer and Scorecard, used by the CIA to rig elections in foreign countries, now used by the Praetorian Guard to rig a U.S. election (and likely used to unsuccessfully rig the 2016 election, and more successfully the 2012 election in Obama's favor. The 3% manipulation of the vote successful in 2012 undetected, was not enough to overcome Trump's lead in Nov 2020. So they had to stop the vote in multiple states, so they had time to enter hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes in Phoenix, Minneapolis, Detroit, Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Atlanta, all corrupt Democrat strongholds for decades, where Democrats have the political machinery to pull it off.
2) In many counties, there are more fake votes for Biden than there are registered voters in the precincts. If votes are 130% over the potential voting population, or even double and triple the population, they are clearly not possible, and therefore fraudulent votes that should be rejected in the hundreds of thousands, that would give back Trump the landslide victory in those 6 contested states at 1 AM on election night, before hundreds of thousands of quickly scrbbled out votes were added to the totals in each of the 6 states in question.
3) Hundreds of thousands of faked votes where Republican election observers were prevented from observing the chain of custody, unable to observe the envelopes they were removed from when opened, and unable to observe the valid verification of signatures. In the Arizona hearings today, a single female observer (a retired college professor) said she witnessed thousands of votes processed where the signature on the ballot clearly did not match the signature on file. This one woman witnessed invalid votes that exceed 5500 votes in Arizona in her four days observing, enough votes to overturn Biden's fraudulent victory.

Not to mention the myriad other forms of voter fraud by Democrats:
[ ] orchestrated by U S Postal Service, throwing away ballots from heavily Republican districts,
[ ] also USPS, systematically manually stamping "Nov 3" on ballots received AFTER Nov 3rd,
[ ] an estimated 1.9 million (Pew Research estimated in 2002, and Judicial Watch reporting this year) dead people voting nationwide (including over 9,500 in Michigan, and over 21,000 in Pennsylvania, THAT WE KNOW OF),
[ ] Democrats voting in two states, and Democrats swiping the ballots of people who moved out of state, and Dems voting in their former state in their name (as Pariah alluded to above, where Matt Braynard is calling voters nationwide to ask if they voted in their former state, and 34% verify in voice or written statements that they DID NOT request the ballot or send it, that someone else requested the ballot and voted in their name.
[ ] Democrats coming in from out of state and voting in a second state under a fake made-up address, etc. etc.

But regardless, many other votes that can be proven false, if the fraudulent Dominion-tampered votes alone being invalidated doesn't give the election to Trump. The only way that can be prevented is by judges simply refusing to see the evidence, or simply refusing to hear the case in a higher or Supreme Court. Which Democrats (and Democrat-appointed party apparatchiks pretending to be judges) are trying like hell to do.