Originally Posted by MisterJLA
Originally Posted by Pariah
Arizona still in play.

Not anymore.


Arizona secretary of state certifies election results with Biden winning state's 11 electoral votes


The Arizona secretary of state is a rabid anti-Trump partisan who routinely calls Trump and his supporters "nazi" on social media, and obstructs any review of the vote.
If Democrats have nothing to hide, Dems should not object to a thorough review of the ballots. It is only that way that Biden will ever be accepted by half the country as having authentically won (which he clearly did not).

Legal power over elections and selecting the Nov 3rd presidential winner ultimately rests in the Arizona legislature, not in the governor, not in the unhinged secretary of state. Legisslators can bypass the governor and secretary, and select Arizona state electors themselves.


Likewise in Pennsylvania. The PA (Democrat) secretary of state submitted an executive order two weeks before the Nov 3rd election that permits accepting ballots long after Nov 3rd, and the Democrat governor likewise signed off on it. But that is illegal by Pennsylvania state law, as only the Pennsylvania legislature had the legal right to authorize that kind of change in election law. So Trump will ultimately win in Pennsylvania. Alan Dershowitz has been arguing this for weeks.

Republicans control the legislatures in enough states to reverse the ballot fraud, and get Trump to 270 electoral votes.
