Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Pariah if the spineless elected republicans tried to participate in the coup in the manner you hope it wouldn’t work. To many people who actually love this country just wouldn’t allow a minority to throw out the will of the people.

That's a hilarous reversal-attempt. Because it is Democrats who are the marxist-socialist authoritarian fanatics who are trying to overthrow all our Constitutional freedoms and to eliminate all our Constitutional checks and balances. It is Republicans who love this country, and the Democrats whose fanatic Bolshevism has to be stopped to save those Constitutional freedoms and protections.

Democrats have made it clear they would stack the Senate, stack the Supreme Court and lower courts, give amnesty to "11 million" illegal immigrants (the real number is closer to 30 million illegals in the country, another Trojan horse) , would eliminate the Senate filibuster, would undermine protection of our Southern border, incentivising millions more illegals and caravans.

Biden has clearly stated re-instate a lockdown for another 6 weeks at least (crushing what's left of small businesses to consolidate corporate dominance, the same corporations that support a Democrat authoritarian power grab, both for corporate profit and for ideological power reasons.) Science has clearly shown lockdowns only increase the number of Covid-19 cases, and have many other harmful effects, both human and economic. WHY?!? Other than as a political weapon, to crush private-sector business and widen state dependency (and thus increase Democrat power).

Biden would re-enter the suicidal Iran nuclear deal.
Would re-enter the global Paris environmental accord (that only the U.S. ever complied with, not other nations, so in truth it was just a transfer of wealth from the U.S. to other nations.
Biden would also put this country at China's mercy.

And Biden has telegraphed this even before Jan 20th, during a period where Biden is not in power yet, where he is trying to soothe the country with assuring-sounding words. But the fanaticism of what he, and the more radical bolsheviks in his party who truly control him, can't be hidden. They've said for two years these are the things they plan to do, and they can't resist bragging about it, even before they've seized power. In 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2018 and 2020, the Democrats have consistently demonstrated how increasingly vicious and lawless they are. Democrats are the party of slander, intimidation, violence, mob rule, of Soros and the globalists who would crush U.S. sovereignty, of open borders, of Antifa, of Black Lives Matter, of hating America and tearing down statues of our nation's founders, of hating and de-funding our police, of hating our military. Of taking away citizens' guns, so even in the absence of police, citizens will be unable to protect or defend themselves, from criminals or from an authoritarian state government.

Democrats don't "love" this country, they are the ones trying to destroy it, and radically transform it into a marxist-socialist authoritarian police state. Demcorat leaders (and their corporate backers) are far more comfortable with authoritarian China than they are dealing with sovereign/nationalist/Constitutional-minded Republicans. Democrats have also made it clear they want to "punish" Republicans for supporting Trump, that they want to publicly shame any lawyers or officials who served in the Trump administration, to prevent them from ever being able to work again (Jennifer Rubin, New York Times, Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, and of course Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and the squad, just a few Democrats who have openly called for this purge).

But yeah. Democrats "love" this country. Right.
Are you lying to us, M E M? Or to yourself?