The court battles aren't over yet. It's not just Giuliani and Powell who have been filing. There are dozens and dozens of people who are challenging the vote integrity of these key states--and beyond. The cases aren't going away. They're escalating.

Not all of the states are certified. The ones that have been (e.g Arizona) are being challenged. If anyone recalls, Hawaii was certified for ended up going to Kennedy.

Link - Twitter: Phantom Coattails?

Originally Posted by Trump
“Democrats suffered crushing down-ballot loss across America.” @nytimes. This is true. All statehouses won, and in Washington we did great. So I led this great charge, and I’m the only one that lost? No, it doesn’t work that way. This was a massive fraud, a RIGGED ELECTION!

Down ballot results present like a typical incumbent re-election cycle.

His party recovers much but not all of their 1st incumbent midterm losses, largely fight off upper chamber challenges and wins bellwethers.

This is what happens when a POTUS gets re-elected, not defeated....

....In fact, Iowa is the state with the largest number of pivot counties. Donald Trump won every single one of them. Joe Biden lost every single one of them.

This actually reminds me of Virginia and Kentucky in particular--although there are many other states with the same phenomenon. Multiple times, the Demmy governor would win even after losing all of the down ballot races. People would just explain it away in typical First Amongst Daves fashion. Mayhaps Trump's legal endeavors will forever break the grand delusion that's coerced the people into tolerating the nonsense occurrences that have been weighing them down for so many years.