
You mean the spineless RINO Republican turncoats who, like the Jewish guards at Auschwitz, were willing to collaborate with their captors and turn on their own so they could stay alive a little longer.

That punk elections supervisor weasel in Georgia, who looks like Roger Ebert in the video, is so full of shit with his idiot posturing. I've seen him interviewed for weeks. He whines about threats against Democrats (threats I don't support) and ignores HOW TRUMP SUPPORTERS HAVEACTUALLY BEEN ATTACKED EVERY DAY SINCE TRUMP BECAME PRESIDENT! One of the deposed witnesses for Giuliani was beaten up and is in the hospital now. Pretty much every witness has been threatened. EVEN TRUMP'S LAWYERS have been threatened, some of them intimidated to the point that they resigned as counsel. Facts you don't want to acknowledge, M E M.

Alleged threats against Democrat officials.
vs. ACTUAL violence on a mass scale against Trump supporters.

The Democrat-Bolsheviks (and **NOT** just a fringe in the Democrat party, but many in the mainstream of the Democrat party, including several 2020 presidential candidates) openly advocate and cheer on purges of Republicans, of violence and intimidation of Republicans, even depriving them of the ability to ever work again. Black Lives Matter protestors routinely attack Republicans, and at some marches even carry guillotines and effigy severed heads. The worst threats of Republicans pale beside what Democrats haave done FOR OVER FOUR YEARS!

I myself experienced this on the job, where a female client on the job, 32 years old, who railed on and on with her politics for 45 minutes in her session with me in 2016 just before the election, how evil Trump and his supporters are. I played it neutral saying "Yeah, that crazy election, politics..." and evaded giving an opinion. She finally cornered me and said "Well pardon me, but... I get the impression you support Trump... do you?"
And I finally said "Well... yeah!"
She went wild, shouting "HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BLA BLA BLA!" So I politely and briefly explained that I saw Trump as a guy who had been both a Democrat and a Republican, a non-partisan, a business owner who understands economics and international trade, a reformer who could clean out the corruption on both sides. She thanked me at the end of our meeting for sharing a point of view different from her own, annoyed but polite, and I thought that was it. The next day, I find out she called my boss, and complained and tried to get me fired, JUST BECAUSE I DIDN'T SHARE HER POINT OF VIEW! I explained that this girl railed for 45 minutes where I hid my views, and only expressed my political views when she basically demanded it, and then tried to destroy me with it. My boss laughed it off, and just told me these are crazy times and she'd dealt with similar situations, that suddenly there is no longer a way you can deal with Democrats like this who become unhinged, and the only way is to avoid political discussion. Now I just respond to clients who rant politics: "Oh really, I didn't know that, I don't follow politics...." feigning complete ignorance and indifference. It's the only way. Any political discussion at all makes these wack jobs go wild. And I know firsthand, if you don't agree with them, they want to destroy you. When I'm not at work, I freely express my opinions, but not on the job. For 20 years I could have friendly playful discussions on the subject, wheter people agreed with my views or not, no problem. But not anymore.