
One more thing about "it has to stop" (which is really just a call for Trump to give up his legal right to contest the fraudulent rigging of the election by Democrats.) The calls for violence come from one side, the Democrat side, and have come from one side FOR YEARS. And it has been endorsed from the very top of the Democrat party, FOR YEARS.

2017, a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer tried to kill multiple Republican congressmen. And was cheered on by some prominent reporters and Democrat leaders, who cheered on MORE shootings of Republicans!

In August 2017, Wikipedia's liberal bias has redirected the thesis of it, but it was a Democrat mayor, an entirely Democrat city council and Democrat city police force, who deliberately did not separate protestors, and set the stage for violence by pushing the 200 or so white supremacists off their advance-permitted protest zone for giving speeches. And armored Virginia state police [Democrat governor!] pushed them (captured on video, I posted it to that topic) right into a mob of about 10,000 Antifa, who hurled rocks and glass and bags of urine at them, and pelted them with clubs as they were forced to struggle through the mob for two miles with absolutely no police protection. Not to mention the 2,000 or so veterans and retired police who were NOT white supremacists, who had to endure the same treatment.

Threats against Covington Catholic high school kids, who did nothing wrong, other than being white,Christian and wearing Trump hats. After multiple lawsuits against CNN and other liberal media, Nicholas Sandmann is now a very rich kid. Threats so sever the entire Covington school was closed for a few weeks.

Not to mention previous attacks and violence at speaking events for many years prior at booksignings and at college speaking appearances of Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Milo Yiannopoulos, David Petraeus, ALL by the Democrat/Left, that go back way before Trump even became a candidate in 2015. I recall it beginning to form with the Occupy Wall Street movement and Antifa attacking a World Economic conference in the Seattle area, both around 2010, and continuing to build from there.

The point being: the violence is not caused by Trump. All this is organized violence by the Democrat/Left, and rationalizes Trump, capitalism, "the one percent", racism, climate change, or whatever contrivance they can wedge in, somehow is the rationalization for it. Democrats, both grassroots groups like BLM and Antifa, and the mainstream Democrat party leadership itself, use violence to intimidate their opposition, and manufature the excuse for their violence by whatever contrivance.