Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Even Barr who has been a reliable wing man for Trump has said there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the results of the presidential election.

And Barr has in response been blasted by dozens of Republicans and pundits, for ignoing the obvious evidence. Barr has made such a statement without having the DOJ or FBI look at one piece of evidence. I think Barr is cowering in anticipation of a post-Trump Washington, where the Bolshviks on the Left have been clear about wanting to destroy every former Trump official, once the protection of a Trump presidency is gone.

Barr has also been slow about investigating the clear criminal actions of the Obama White House, of the FBI (Comey, McCabe, Sally Yates, and at least 20 others), of the DOJ (Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Rod Rosenstein), CIA (John Brennan, Gina Haspe)l, and DNI (James Clapper), and others, particularly as documented by Sally Yates in her notes after a Jan 5 2017 Oval Office meeting, discussing their plot to fraame Michael Flynn, led by Obama and Biden.

Barr has allowed the Durham investigation to slowly drift away without consequence, despite overwhelming evidence, when it should have been out at least 3 to 6 months before the Nov 3 election. Barr, like many in the Trump administration, is loyal to Trump at times, and then suddenly only loyal to his own interests.

Originally Posted by M E M
The claims of voter fraud by Trump have constantly failed in courts with republican judges even some appointed by Trump himself.

That's the lying Democrat narrative you would like to sell.
Giuliani has only presented 3 cases so far. And while I think one was ruled against Trump by a Trump-appointed judge, the majority of rulings against Trump have been by Democrat judges. The Pennsylvania court is 5 Democrats vs 2 Republicans. And there are mountains more evidence on the table now than just 2 weeks ago, thousands of witnesses, photographs, video evidence, the only thing working against Trump is the deadline factor. The evidence continues to pile up in his favor.

Originally Posted by M E M
I think it’s pretty clear trump is lying with his claims and drives his nutjobs to try to force election officials to do his bidding.

That is, of course, the MediaMatters liberal talking points narrative you've been spoon-fed. As opposed to the true facts, that abundantly demonstrate election fraud. There are more Biden votes than there are voters in many districts.
Tens of thousands of dead voters.
People who voted for Biden using the names of other voters, and deprived them of the ability to vote.
Thousands of people coming from other states with fake addresses to vote in AZ, NV, GA and other states.

The massive fraud on the Dominion computer systems, and Eric Coomer, its head of security systems saying in an online Antifa Zoom-meeting "Trump won't win, I made fucking sure of that". Extensive far-left, Antifa, Clinton Foundation, Nancy Pelosi, and Sen Diane Feinstein connections by Dominion and its employees, who (consciousness of guilt) have scrubbed their business and personal social mediaaccounts from the internet .

Your saying there's no evidence doesn't magically make all that overwhelming evidence just go away.

In many states, if the proven fraudulent votes are thrown out, that would be enough to give Trump vitcory margins comparable to what he had on election night. He only needs 3 of the 7 states (including Nevada which is now back in play) to get over the 270 elector votes line.

Originally Posted by M E M
Your Auschwitz vs Georgia republicans comparison doesn’t even make sense. Those people were doing whatever they could to survive the nazis that were in power. Trump is the one in power till January and it’s his fanatical base that is harassing and threatening members of Trump’s own party. You can’t deflect that. You are actually the turncoat choosing Trump over your country. It will never be okay that you were for throwing away my vote and god knows what else trump comes up with before his term ends.

That's some pretty twisted facts and logic on your part. The Republicans I compare to Jewish guards at Auschwitz are ones who are looking ahead to a fanatic Democrat/Biden autoritarian state, who want to distance themselves from Trump before the Democrat-Bolsheviks seize federal power. And as I've cited repeatedly, multiple Democrats have expressed their bloodlust for a purge of Republicans, particularly those who supported Trump.

And as I said before, it's OVERWHELMINGY THE DEMOCRATS who are are not only making threats, but actually ACTING on those threats, violently. there has been an average of two attacks on Republicans daily by Democrats. One of those witnesses testifying in hearings in support of Trump, just an honest citizen exposing the evidence, was put in the hospital in the last few days. Yours is the side of BLM and Antifa and mob violence and intimidation, Republicans with few exceptions look to the courts and the rule of law. It is only the absolute lack of consequences for Democrat lawbreaakerss that makes some even think of violent retribution.

And fuck you, M E M, I'm not a "turncoat". You're supporting a Bolshevik marxist revolution that has made clear it plans to overthrow Constitutional freedoms, who have openly said they plan to stack the U.S. Supreme Court and lower court with leftist judges, stack the Senate by making fake new states out of Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico (neither of which qualifies as a new state), eliminating the filibuster in the Senate, and otherwise silencing all political dissent, to turn this country into another Cuba or Soviet Union. If it's bad for America, your piece of shit Democrat-Bolshevik party is for it. Yours is the party of the globalists and crushing American sovereignty. Yours is the party of de-funding the police, while simultaneously taking aways citizens' guns so they can't defend themselves!
I'm not speculating, these are the things Demcorats have CLEARLY SAID they plan to do. Yours is the party that hates this country so much, they are tearing down statues nationwideof our nation's founders and heroes. Or openly endorsing it.
If you had an ounce of common sense you would be terrified of the party you mindlessly support. Because once they finish off Republicans and the conservative media, they'll be coming after any Democrats who aren't pure enough in their Bolshevism. They will do to this country what the Soviets, Cuba and Hugo Chavez did to their countries. And like those in Cuba and Venezuela, you'll be so hungry you'll be looking for scraps to eat out of a dumpster.

Trump is the first president of either party in over 30 years who has resurrected our economy and national sovereignty, and pulled us away from globalism and the Marxism and chaos you seem to love. Trump has re-negotiated trade agreements in our nation's favor with every major U.S. trading partner, secured our border, rebuilt our military, and given us the best economy we've had in over 50 years, in many categories, the best economic performance our country has ever seen. Strangled Iran's aggression with punishing sanctions. Trump has contained and reversed China's aggression and our dependence on China. One year of Biden would destroy all those gains.

If you had an ounce of common sense, you would see that YOU are the "turncoat", who would cheer on Biden's selling us all out to China. As he has for the past 15 years.