
From the Michigan hearings, you can't laugh off this one:

Full Hima Kolanagireddy testimony before Michigan House alleging election fraud - Dec 2 2020

Who is very articulate and an I T expert and company CEO, Hima Kolanagireddy.

And regarding Melissa Carone, for whatever personality quirks that CNN likes to make fun of, is also an I T contract employee for Dominion, who saw more behind the scenes in the Detroit center's ballot counts AND Dominion's employees and business culture than anyone else testifying. I loved the part where some Democrat snot named Rep. Darren Camilleri was verbally abusing and trying to discredit her, and she goes "Did you sign a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury? Guess what, I did!" and really put the snot in his place. Carone was a bit feisty, sarcastic and confrontational, and a few times speculated about things she did not see firsthand, but that was after she was treated with a complete lack of respect by Democrat House members. And her more cocky remarks should be viewed in that context. That does not discredit the facts she presented.

The other hearings have largely been just Republican state representatives asking questions, but the Detroit hearing (that I linked earlier, the full 4 hours and 30 minutes) was unique in that Democrat legislators attended. And it was clear in their insults and their complete lack of intellectual curiosity or inquiry that they don't give a damn what the facts are, they just want to politically discredit their opposition, and rubber-stamp a corrupt win for Joe Biden. They demonstrated themselves to be completely driven by emotion and ideological zeal, and to be one in spirit with the Antifa-like Democrat thugs in the voting centers who were shouting down Republican and independent vote observers, and cheering when they were thrown out of the voting room.