Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

It's a pure and simple fact that the legislature has ultimate authority to call elections in Pennsylvania, and that Pennsylvaniaa's piece-of-shit secretary of state violate that state's laws when she signed an executive order to allow mail-in ballots to be counted many days after the Nov 3rd election date. And also a violation of Pennsylvania state law for the governor to rubber-stamp that illegal executive order. I've seen multiple legal scholars, including Alan Dershowitz, say they think Trump will inevitably win that part of the battle in court, if not the state';s electoral votes as well.

Likewise, the law gives ultimate authority to the legislaature in Georgia. (I'm not sure about the laws in Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan, but at the very least Republicans control the state legislators ig not the governor seats in many of these states, and at least can demand a full investigation in each state. )
And again: Where the hell is the FBI? Where is the DOJ, in what appears to be the most compromised election in U.S. history? Clearly hundreds of thousands of ballots in question, in each of these states. (I can answer that: about 97% of campaign donations by FBI employees went to the Biden campaign, and likewise to the Hillary and Obama campaigns before them. DOJ and FBI, and USPS and Stae Dept and the Teacher unions, are Democrat-occupied territory, and a corrupt arm of the Democrat Bolshevik machine.

I don't understand the timidity of some PA and GA legislators not to use the authority legally available to them, to overturn a clearly rigged election. Thousands of sworn witnesses, photo and video evidence. Not only for Republican legislators to do what is right in this election, but to set a precedent to keep the piece-of-shit Democrat Bolsheviks from doing the same in every future election. They may have been rigging elections back to 2008. They sure as hell were doing it in 2012 and 2016. An unholy Democrat alliance among the Democrat party, the Democrat deep-state ffederal agencies, the Democrat deep-state intelligence community across FBI, CIA, DIA, FISA court and NSC, the Democrat-zealot 93% anti-Trump liberal media, and the Orwellian Democrat tech and social media, along with globalists and billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, and Google that controls over 90% of online information searches. This is how a nation dies.

This is why you are a turncoat WB. You want to disenfranchise everyone to keep a lying corrupt piece of shit in power. The state legislature would have to break election laws that they passed to do your evil anti democratic coup....

GOP leaders - once again - say they can’t overturn election

The letter, released Thursday, reiterated the GOP leaders’ legal concerns.

“Some of the actions requested by our residents would require us to disregard the statutes and Constitution we have fought so hard to protect during this pandemic,” the letter states.

Along with Cutler and Corman, it was signed by Senate Majority Leader Kim Ward, of Westmoreland County, and House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, of Centre County.

Specifically, GOP leadership cited state law, which mandates that voters, not legislators, pick a presidential winner. Also, they argued that the state constitution does not allow for the General Assembly to meet before January absent an invitation from Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat.

“Ignoring these state laws to appoint electors would :set a precedent that a simple majority of the General Assembly can override the will of the people as evidenced by the popular vote,” the letter says.

Fair play!