Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Even you have to acknowledge trump isn’t just trying to use the courts. He knows he’s making false claims that will continue to fail via the courts so you get the calls to governors like in Georgia to throw out votes. The attempts to pressure to get state legislators to disregard Biden’s win and election laws and assign electors to vote for the loser. Death threats for those republicans that won’t cooperate with the coup.

I haven't seen reports on the death threats. But, along with many other lawyers on various sites, especially Reddit, I've been watching the cases drop like decapitated chickens. Judges have been ferocious about the absence of merit.

Two things come out of that for me:

a. the distrust that Trump has encouraged in respect of the election system is something that will haunt the country for years. That's his most lasting legacy - that citizens would rather think that there was a grand conspiracy involving tens of thousands of election officials than believe that Trump actually lost.
a. you have someone like Dave WB who has said in another thread that he relies upon the courts and Trump's "army of 600 lawyers" for justice. Anyone can start legal proceedings, but legal proceedings get quickly turfed out if they have no merit. that absence of merit might not be obvious to a lay person, or someone who isn't watching the proceedings too closely, or watching it through the filter of a news network. So we end up with a domino effect of not trusting the election process, and not trusting the courts.

It is a grand legacy of smashing at the base of the pillars of the world's greatest democracy. (What it does reveal, through, is the quite proper impartiality of judges, which has been a source of solace for the many lawyers on Reddit.)

JLA posted video on this thread with the election official from Georgia detailing death threats received. WB found it amusing. Thanks to trumps base of deplorables even Dr. Fauci requires guards because of the death threats he gets because he’s unwilling to live in trumpers fantasy land. I do agree about the judges and actually it seems like the state and local officials are not willing to betray their country for Trump.

Fair play!