Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can claim whatever you want but if it can’t be proven in court than what basis do trumpers have to try to throw out the election? People who do evil usually try justifying it, I think that’s what you guys are attempting here.

M E M, I'm not sure at this point if you're a vicious fucking liar, or if you're just pathetically delusional in your Democrat partisanship.

More details of how the Democrat steal of this election was pulled off, more witnesses, more photos, video and evidence, are coming out every day.

At first your party was saying 1) "There is no voting fraud".
Then they were saying 2) "Well, there's aways some fraud in every election, but no significant fraud."
Then more evidence came out, and they went with the new narrative: 3) "Well, there was fraud, but not enough to change the outcome and Biden's victory."

Period. the end.

I've become increasingly aware that what the Democrats have done in this election amounts to information warfare, a branch of asymetric warfare against their own country. Where they have sided against the United States in solidarity with efforts of the Chinese communist government, the Russians, the globalists, and the militant anti-American Left in this country. And this is just "Trump Coup 6.0", in a continuous assault on U.S. sovereignty, that really extends back at least to 2012, where the IRS was weaponized to target Republican groups and win that election. And I would argue back to the Left's hijacking of the Democrat party in 2004, through a takeover of campaign finance of the DNC.

Yours is the party of rabidly marxist and anti-American Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Yours is the party of tearing down statues of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln. Either by direct endorsement or by their passive silence, Democrat leadership from the very top down endorses the destruction of these national symbols, and destruction/"radical transformation" of the nation they represent. But more often by silence, your party works its evil best in the cover of darkness. But they hate this country so much, they can't help gloating about this destruction all to often. And there they show their hand.

You talk about "evil", M E M? Look in the mirror. There's no mistaking what your party is about. And it sure as hell isn't about preserving, protecting and defending this country. I wonder how even a zealot like you can try to rationalize it at this point.