Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can claim whatever you want but if it can’t be proven in court than what basis do trumpers have to try to throw out the election? People who do evil usually try justifying it, I think that’s what you guys are attempting here.

I don't think we are seeing evil. I think we are seeing the same sort of mass disbelief that liberal voters experienced when Clinton II lost the election (against all of the polls except that of the LA Times). There was all sorts of scrambling around trying to blame Russian interference, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook... And all of these things were in play to a small but significant degree, but at the end of the day it wasn't a stolen election. Trump won it, and his election team were remarkably successful.

We are all in our media echo chambers, where we are given assurances that our world views are correct. When the world view is torn to pieces by reality, we look to conspiracy. Systemic voter fraud and corruption. Putin with one hand on the scales and the other up Trump's arse. The super spooky Deep State. Iranian trollbots. Venezuelan vote counting software (I love that one).

If Trump was to win again in 2024, and I'd say there was a really good chance of that happening if Trump goes up against Kamala Harris, DEM voters will be blaming Russia again because DEM voters could not possibly believe that having been thrown out on his arse, Trump triumphantly and gloatingly got back in.

Yeah that was rough but you know what happened. Clinton conceded the next day. She didn’t claim she lost because of voter fraud. She wasn’t calling governors to throw out their state election results or trying to pressure state legislators to ignore election laws and assign different electors that would choose her instead. Nor do I think the democrat base would have supported it if she had tried. And even though she won the popular vote I still recognized that he won the race electorally. What trump is doing and supported by a chunk of his base is a threat to this country. And it’s pretty apparent Trump doesn’t require a foreign country to deliver misinformation to his base since 2016. I guess we don’t agree about it being evil but I look at it as a real attempt to steal the election by rendering voting useless. This will fail but the intentional harm it has caused isn’t going to disappear after the trump turd gets flushed out of office.

Fair play!