Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Originally Posted by Pariah
Statistical impossibilities followed by harassed/ejected poll watchers and damning videos showing mass re-scanning of ballots equate to that just fine.

The Deep State disagrees with you.

I can't tell if that's condescending sarcasm, or an acknowledgement that there IS a deep state, that from the halls of power manufactures and spreads a deliberately false narrative to keep their ideological brethren in control.

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Do you have any links to these videos? I just Googled "damning videos showing mass re-scanning of ballots" but nothing came up in the first two pages other than this: https://apnews.com/article/election...l-media-cffc1bf12660177b0c651f98054a3a76

But of course, both Google and AP are part of the liberal/leftist global media conspiracy. Silly me.

That one is clearly snark. But despite your condescending POV that it's only tin-foil-hat conspiracy to think the Biden victory margins were built on hundreds of thousands of rigged votes (there are thousands of witnesses and evidence to support that case) , that is exactly what happened. And the evidence is abundantly presented by Giuliani and his legal team, in hearings with state Senators in Philadelphia, Phoenix, Lansing (the 4 hour 29 min meeting I youtube-linked above), Atlanta and other cities. And what was displayed in those hearings is just a tiny fraction of the sworn testimony and photo and video evidence that Giuliani's legal team has amassed, with still more pouring in every day, faster than Giuliani's lawyes can process it.

Bottom line: Trump was winning by margins of 100,000 to 700,000 in all but one of the 7 contested states on the night of Nov 3rd, till about midnight. Then ALL these states stopped the vote-counting (so they could count how many fake votes they needed to add for Biden, to overcome Trump's lead in each state). And by the way, stopping the vote mid-count in the U.S. HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. But it HAS happened in Venezuela to re-elect Hugo Chavez in a similar vote-count-stoppage and late night dump that mysteriously re-elected Chaves, and again with Meduro, and in many other Dominion systems-controlled elections worldwide over the last 17 years..

Giuliani and and Sidney Powell have both gathered evidence and witnesses to demonstrate these tactics used in multiple countries since 2003. The exact type of vote-count stop and injection of a late-night dump of ballots to give the desired candidate the victory by a narrow margin.
And beyond that, the Democrats cheated by at least 20 or 30 different methods, beyond the Dominion systems rigging. Manufactured fake ballots. Dead voters in the tens of thousands in each state, that can be proven dead by their birth dates and other personal info, 9,500 in Michigan, 21,000 in Pennsylvania, THAT WE KNOW OF. Voters with fake local addresses coming in from out of state to vote. Double-voting. Hundreds of thousands of identical fake ballots, where no other down-ballot candidate was chosen, only Joe Biden (Maria Bartiromo in my first Youtube link to the topic gives the exact numbers of these type for each state during her interview with Sidney Powell. 450,000 of these ballots in Pennsylvania alone!) Only Biden was selected on these falsified ballots, because Democrats had to rush out so many fake ballots in the middle of the night, they didn't have time to fill out the downballot portion to rig election of other Democrat candidates.
And the identical systematic abuse and exclusion of Republican ballot-count observers in voting centers, in all these Democrat cities. Not even different types of abuse in 10 different cities, but the exact same distancing of observers, so Republican and nonpartisan observers could not possibly observe what Democrat vote-counters were doing.

All those cases where the ballots have no envelopes and were not watched by observers being removed from envelopes (many of which were perfectly flat and not folded to indicate Democrat vote-counters took the votes from individual mail-in envelopes) should be ruled invalid and thrown out.
All the ballots where signature matching was not observed should be ruled invaalid and thrown out.
All the ballots that mysteriously appeared, often in un-official black bags or cardboard boxes or suitcases, with no chain of custody, should be ruled invalid and thrown out.

And even without those exclusions, there are STILL enough invalid ballots to give the election to Trump.
Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8 million mail-in ballots, and got 2.5 million returned ! How does THAT not result in hundreds of thousands of ballots excluded ?!? They can test the ballots to see if they were printed with paper and ink from some source other than official ballots from the state of Pennsylvania.

Vote center workers in Philadelphia, Piitsburg, Detroit and Atlanta were ALL observed scanning ballots, and then immediately taking the same stack of ballots and scanning them again. Re-scanning the same ballots up to 10 times, to inflate the Biden vote-counts.
Votes that were for Trump, were repeaedly and deliberately counted for Biden, as witnesssed multiple times per hour by Republican observers!
Postal employees in areas that were 90% Republican, multiple times took all the ballots collected and thrown away so they wouldn't be counted. Some of them were later found under a rock in a wilderness area.
Postal inspectors ordered USPS delivery workers (who later testified) to set aside ballots received Nov 4th or 5th to be fraudulently back-stamped as received Nov 3rd to be fraudulently counted.
These are just some of the at least 20 or 30 different ways Democrats manufactured fraudulent votes for Biden. Massive, systematic vote fraud, across at least 7 key states, and using the same fraud techniques, and the same intimidation and exclusion techniques on vote-count observers. And that all just happened exactly the same way independently across all 7 states. No, OBVIOUSLY no. Democrats trained supervisors in all 7 states to use the same tactics.

And again: Does ANYONE REALLY BELIEVE that Joe Biden got more votes than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?
And isn't it odd how Biden decisively lost in Florida and Ohio, and even got a lower share of the vote in most Democrat states, but somehow got 11 million more votes nationwide than Obama?
That Biden did worse in every part of the country, but somehow got a miraculaous spike in votes (after 3 AM !!) in all the 10 cities where he desperately needed those votes to win.
How is it that Barack Obama got millions less votes in 2012 than in 2008, but still managed to get re-elected?

And yet Trump got 10 million more votes than in 2016, and yet still lost? There are many ways to look at the data to prove that the vote totals in these states were rigged, and that Biden truly didn't win. That demographically, it cannot be rationalized or explained to make sense.
There are many counties in Michigan and other states where there was over 80% voter participation in Biden victories, and even 100% or 130% participation. More than the population of those districts! How can that possibly be checked off as a victory and certified for Biiden?

And again, this is only a sample of the dozens of ways Democrat election fraud gave the victory to Biden. How can that possibly okay and not be clearly invalid?

If you use the Google search engine, it will ONLY direct you to liberal-propaganda sources: New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Yahoo News, VOX, MediaMatters, DailyBeast, etc. Increasingly I notice even if I enter a search for, say, "FOX NEWS Hunter Biden", Google's algorithms will STILL only direct me to liberal sources, not Fox. They have buried all dissenting thought, even buried dissentimg news media sources, such as Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, DailyCaller, Breitbart, The Federalist, JustheNews, Townhall, Judicial Watch... And most famously, in suppression of the Hunter Biden Laptop story and the Tony Bobulinski/Burisma story, the New York Post was shut out of Facebook and Twitter ! Hey, not a particularly influential source suppressed by the Orwellian media, just the fourth largest circulation newspaper in the United States.

I now have my homepage set to https://duckduckgo.com/ , a search engine alternative to Google (you can look up DuckDuckGo on Wikipedia). Only a tiny fraction of the country knows how to bypass Big Brother Google/Facebook/Twitter/CNN's authoritarian liberal narrative and information control. Hopefully over the next 4 years an increasing number of alternatives will emerge, such as Parler, to replace Twitter, with others who don't indulge in liberal suppression of conservative thought and information. So that Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and others quietly die as their users go to alternative sites that are more honest and less partisanly suppresive toward one entire side of the political dialogue.

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
It is like arguing about the existence of God:

a. "Give me evidence of God's existence and then I will believe."
b. "You don't need evidence. You need faith."
a. "But I won't have faith unless I have evidence."
b. "Faith isn't evidence based. That's why its called "faith"."

Respectfully, in your seemingly unconscious secularist bias, you appear unaware you are arguing with presumed certainty what cannot be proven by either side: You cannot DIS-prove the existence of God. In multiple U.S. Supreme Court and other rulings over the last 60-plus years, justices in multiple cases have argued that a gay/secularist/humanist ideological viewpoint is just as much a faith-based belief system as a Christian one.

And homosexuality, for example also, (under the umbrella of secular humanism) that is given the facade of being "proven" and "science", is in truth still likewise unproven and a faith-based belief system. Homosexuality is not proven to be genetic or inborn. All we know for certain is that it's a desire. But gambling, alcoholism, pedophelia and other compulsions and sexual obsessions are not proven as inborn things we have to accept as "science", they are obsessive disorders, as homosexuality was labelled to be by the Psychiatric professional community until 1973, when a political wing of the APA took it off the list of disorders.
But as I linked and sourced in the Gay Marriage topic about 15 years ago now, every year at their annual association meetings, pedophiles and other pathological groups try to use the legitimization of homosexuality to rationalize attempting to remove their abberant impulses off the list of disorders as well. So it's a slippery slope. And as I also sourced, about 20% of the Psychiatric community still treats homosexuality as an obsessive disorder. And thousands have left the gay lifestyle to lead normal lives with marriages and children. Some of these reformed homosexuals have provided a lot of research defining what homosexuality is.

I respect your right to believe what you want. But you shouldn't ridicule and condescend to others for not accepting what you like to regard as proven "science". It's not.