Army Colonel Cyber Warfare Specialist Phil Waldron rebuts the “no evidence” narrative of the media with white hat hackers, dark web evidence of passwords available, and voting machines connected to the internet. This is a highlighted clip of the email that was sent to the DOJ and Arizona State legislators from an IT specialist about a Pima County Recorder added fraud votes in the initial count to the Vote-by-mail (VBM) totals. Approx 35,000 were added according to the email from the whistleblower and more details of how it was added in the video.

A spike in ballots entered that exceeds the ability of the voting center's scanning equipment to process in the timeframe the ballots were uploaded.

And that's just one method that they rigged the vote for Biden, in one of the 6 contested states.
For context, Biden is currently declared the winner of Arizona by 10,457 votes. When you subtract the 35,000 fraudulent votes the Democrats injected for Biden, that would decisively give the victory to Trump in Arizona, by a margin of 24,543 votes. And that is with just one of the 20 or more ways the Democrats rigged the Arizona election exposed, not yet subtracting the fraudulent dead people voting, people from out of state with fake-in-state addresses voting, double-voting, illegal immigrants voting, on and on.

Yet another visible example of these cheating tactics is not just in Arizona, but also in Atlanta, Georgia, in the video clips Pariah posted. Uploaded by Democrat poll workers in the middle of the night in the largest spike of votes for Biden of the GA election, *after* Democrat poll workers evacuated the news media and Republican vote observers with the proven false story of a water pipe breaking, where Democrats could work for hours in the middle of the night entering 150,000 fraudulent ballots, unsupervised. All caught on video surveillance cameras.

And that's just one method that they rigged the vote for Biden. Many other examples exist, sworn to by thousands of witnesses in all the contested states.