Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by the G-man
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Bottom line he’s trying to throw out election results because he lost. Just because you can do something doesn’t make it moral or ethical. It certainly doesn’t make it beyond judgment, what you seem to be arguing. My vote wasn’t okay to steal and it won’t be forgotten that he’s trying to do exactly that.

You want to put your political enemies in Gulags. That won’t be forgotten either.

Since I never said that how could you remember g-man? That was something you just created. I would point out that Trump likes to have some “lock her up” or “ lock him up” chants going at his super spreader events.

Sanders Campaign exposed, Part I; "Cities Burn" if Trump Re-Elected (and put Trump supporters in Gulags and re-education camps) :

And this is only one among many of Sanders' campaign staffers similarly eager to commit violence against Trump supporters (thank you Project Veritas!). Another Sanders staffer talked about putting Trump supporters in "re-education camps". As did former Bill Clinton cabinet secretary Robert Reich.

Paul Krugman and Jennifer Rubin of the N Y Times similarly talk about having public trials of former Trump staffers and supporters, and "destroying them so they never rise up again".

That Blaze article qquotes a pretty extensive list of Democrat leaders and liberal media anchors and pundits who are calling for exactly what G-Man cited.
That you deceitfully feign ignorance of, M E M.

And that call for gulags and re-education camps for Trump supporterss is perfectly in line with rhetoric from Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, Kamala Harris and other Democrat leaders who I can pull up video of saying it, openly calling for violence against Republicans, over several years now. Going back to the Republican House baseball game where a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer tried to kill multiple Republican House members. To which Democrats and their advisors on Facebook and Twitter openly cheered on MORE attacks on Republicans.

And Democrat leaders passively endorse this violent rhetoric and actual violence by their fellow Democrats, remaining silent about it and not condemning it. Because they believe this rhetoric and violence helps their party politically, by intimidating away Republican support. There's no way you can dismissively pretend that rhetoric is coming from just an outside liberal fringe. It is clearly a widely held belief across a huge swath of the mainstream Democrat-Bolshevik Left.
And again: The fact that other Democrat leaders don't condemn it make clear they actually support it.