Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Violence from both sides need to be condemned WB. One over the other is not acceptable. When a trump lawyer called for someone to be drawn and quartered and than taken out and shot (a fellow republican no less) trump had nothing to say about that. And he doesn’t have to WB because of folks like you being okay with that.

That is again, horseshit.

The Trump lawyer you cite is Joe Digenova (of Digenova and Toensing), a former U.S. attorney and vocal Trump advocate. He didn't literally call for a Democrat to be drawn and quartered, it was said in a joking context in a TV interview, he never literally called for violence against anyone. That's quite a reach, M E M.

That's like Trump at a Trump rally a year or so ago, saying of a heckler interrupting and being escorted out, "I'd like to smack that guy".

That's like when a guy playfully says something male-piggish to a girl, and with a smile she responds "Ohh I want to smack you!" and alleging that the girl was inciting violence. Just ridiculous. Meanwhile on the other side, you have all the violent rhetotic I cited **AND LINKED EXAMPLES OF** by Democrats calling for intimidation and attacks on Trump administration officials and Trump supporters, and the average two attacks a day on Trump supporters, that are clearly a direct result of Demcorat leadership calling for that violence. See the examples above, and thousands more I didn't list.