That Daily Beast "article" is more like a snarky liberal blog post by some high school kid, it doesn't present any facts. The people in the street saying "destroy the GOP" and railing on Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro could be liberals fronting as conservative protestors, to try and confuse and undermine conservative unity. That is the kind of vicious deceitful stuff the Democrat-Bolshevik party routinely does, and has been doing for years.
(I myself am a fan of Charlie Kirk, less so Ben Shapiro. And Kirk has recently been very critical of Fox News' joining the liberal media in declaring Joe Biden the winner since Nov 7th. I find it very hard to believe that any hardline conservative Trump supporters would trash Charlie Kirk. Ben Shapiro is more often critical of Trump, but still more conservative than Fox News, and at times a defender of Trump.)
The consistent deception and vicious slander tactics of Democrats:

EXAMPLE: Jennifer Palmieri, a Boshevik-progressive operative for Hillary Clinton, openly floated the idea in a videotaped interview of infiltrating the Catholic church with a "Catholic" front group of marxist progressives (as fake Catholics) who would, posing as devout Catholics, call for and pressure liberal-progressive change within the Catholic church, such as gay marriage and other "reforms", in blatant contradiction of biblical teachings.

EXAMPLE: Organized Democrat thug groups infiltrated Trump rallies in 2016, and posing as Trump supporters, initiated violent attacks to create the false image of Trump supporters as violent. They were exposed because Project Veritas interviewed one of the thug leaders, who openly bragged their violent attacks were pre-planned for exactly that slander of the Trump campaign, and bragged their violent activists were paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign for doing so, through a "double blind" of insulated payment through second and third parties. There is video of him boasting this, beyond any ability to deny it.

This is what the piece-of-shit Democrat-Bolshevik party does. Over and over. A party completely built on corruption, deception, and Bolshevik-communist tactics. As if they receive their marching orders directly from the Moscow Central Committee.
And more often recently, doing the direct bidding and repeating the talking points of the Chinese Communist Party. Joe Biden and Eric Swalwell are perfect examples.

If anyone is going to get violent after Jan 20th 2021, it's the BLM and Antifa mobs.
Mobs that were kept in check by President Trump's decisive and swift deployment of the National Guard to end Antifa/BLM violence, and a Trump who pressured Democrat governors to do so, or be usurped by decisive presidential action.
Under a hypothetical president Biden, these mobs would be given free reign to run wild, looting and burning cities, tearing down statues of our nation's founders and heroes. These BLM/Antifa groups are the ones who have vocally expressed their eagerness to unleash violence on anyone who opposes them, not conservatives. Unless these "Trump protestors" are identified, and the groups they represent identified, it is clear they are Democrat astro-turfed fake conservatives, planted to slander Trump supporters.