Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“As always with Levin's show, a lot of detailed information of what the liberal media, Democrats, self-serving lobbyist-controlled deep state Republicans, attorney general Barr, the DOJ and FBI are all collaboratively hiding from the American public about Joe Biden and election fraud. “

Don’t forget the intimidated Supreme Court WB. Pretty much it has to come from Trump or his family for the real truth (minus sisters and nieces and anyone who doesn’t sign a NDA). The whole dem vs gop is really exposed as a sham here with the “everyone is wrong” motif. If there had been the widespread fraud Trump claimed it would have had a much friendlier reception in court. He couldn’t prove it and instead of recognizing what a truly evil shitty thing he just did to the country you lash out at everyone else,

It just shows how pervasive the globalist/Marxist corruption is.

The superior court justices at the lower level were clearly mostly corrupt Democrat appointees.
At the U S Supreme Court level, chief justice John Roberts has a long history of doing what is politically expedient and uncontroversial, rather than what is right. A prime example being repeated rulings upholding Obaamacare, despite its clear unconstitutioal violations, saying "It's not the job of the Court to repeal bad law." Well... it is, actually. With the election fraud, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas wanted to do what is right and review the case, but were outnumbered by politicians masking as justices on the Court.

And the evidence remains clear. The fact that they refused to hear it in a courtroom makes clear they made their decision based on something other than the facts.

COL. PHIL WALDRON TESTIMONY -in Michigan state House hearings, Dec 3, 2020

Hard evidence, that timid judges and political leaders want to pretend doesn't exist. Also suspicious that the FBI nd DOJ sat on their hands throughout the disputed election. Why would they do this? 97% of campaign donations by DOJ staffers went to the Hillary Clinton campaign. That's why.

DOJ/FBI sent dozens of agents to investigage the Jussie Smollet hoax.
And a dozen FBI agents to investigate an alleged noose in a black race car driver's garage, that any moron could see was just a rope for pulling down a garage door.
FBI sent a team of agents to investigate Trump supporters allegedly harassing a Biden campaign bus on the highway!

But they send no agents, ZERO, to investigate what appears to be the most massive election campaign fraud in U.S. history, across 7 states?!!? Please.
That tells you everything you need to know.
Only if there is a thorough investigation, and that evidence is presented in a court of law, will the Republican half of this country accept that the outcome for Biden is legitimate. It's clearly not, and the lack of willingness to honestly review the evidence is further proof that the evidence is too damaging. Only ignoring and dismissing the evidence can save the Biden victory narrative.
And even up to 30% of Democrats think the election results are fraudulent.
Trump in the last few hour re-tweeted a poll that shows 92% of Republicans see the election as rigged.
Including Democrats and independents, it's still 50% of voters that see the election results as rigged. Thsi is not going away.