Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
We just had the capital stormed by pro trump rioters. 50 capital police injured by the folks Trump “loves”. That literally just happened yesterday. In what reality is trump not divisive?

AGAIN: The "Trump protesters" have not been identified. And the Capitol police were alerted and warned at least a day in advance that BLM and Antifa were planning violence under cover of PRETENDING to be Trump protestors.

And also, you ignore the seige on the White House by BLM/Antifa a few months ago, where they burned a historic church across the street from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, while attempting to do the same to the White House, and Secret Service saw it as severe enough they evacuated the president.
**AND** Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser created a "Black Lives Matter Plaza" to honor the insurrectionists !

You know what's divisive, M E M? The pieces of shit who run your party, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer, who far from bringing the country together, raise the lying talking point about impeaching Trump in his last 13 days, instead of just letting the clock run out and more graciously taking power in 13 days.
THAT is as "divisive" and incendiary as it gets !

Going back since the 2000 election, and getting more vicious and bitter and threatening with each election, your side is the catalyst of the hate and viciousness an division nationwide, and with each consecutive manufactured incident your side incites, you have the audacity to accuse the Republicans of provoking it. Your party are Bolshevik maniacs, who increasingly win by mob intimidation, and they have made clear in speeches and texts their violent intentions. And now they are about to have the absolute power to actually do it. God help us all.