Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
And It took a long time for Trump to tell the rioters to go home. Instead of trying to defuse the riot he was busy trying to use the riot he incited to delay certification. It’s such a huge betrayal WB that you can’t just pass off.

You're full of shit.
It took Trump maybe an hour at most.

And as I said, The protesters left immediately. When there are calls for the Left to stand down, even by Democrats, they keep right on looting and burning.

Pro-Trump rioters breached the capital at 2:15 and your pos released a lame video at 4.
Pro-trump rioters timeline

Wow, slightly over an hour after it happened! To hear you tell it, you'd think it was 7 days or 2 weeks later.
Remember the beheading of an American journalist (James Foley) by Al Qaida, where it took Obama over a week to make a public comment? And then cynically started golfing less than 30 seconds later? A callous and bare minimum response.

Remember the two U.S. Marines, in two separate incidents, that were unjustly put in Mexican prison, where Obama *NEVER* made a public statement on their behalf publicly, necer made an appeal on their behalf to the Mexican government? Who were only released because they had health problems, and Mexico released them because they didn't want the blowback of being responsible for killing American soldiers. Their imprisonment was essentially kidnapping by state officials, and extorting payment for their release, a frequent tactic by officials in Mexico.

Remember the U.S. soldier killed in his recruiting office by a muslim, where again it took your piece of shit former president Obama two weeks to respond?

Or where Obama made public comments that racialized and further inflamed rioting in cities nationwide, on the occasions of both Trayvon Martin in Sanford Florida, and Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri? "If I had a son he would have loked like Trayvon..." Throwing even more kerosine on the fire.

It took Trump maybe an hour at most. And it probably took Trump at least 30 or 45 minutes to learn there was an incident at the Capitol, and time to compose an articulate statement that addressed all the issues involved. And far from "lame", Trump hit exactly the right note with his words, both with protestors and the nation, and the crowd, even Capitol police were impressed with how quickly the crowd left. Trump addressed well the frustration his 74,223,000 voters nationwide were feeling, gave them much needed appreciation in the face of a fixed system that never gave them their day in court. But gently made the point that even any further completely peaceful protest that day would have been unproductive, and just exploited by the vicious Democrat/Left. Pundit comments said Trump was very sincere and seemed deeply grieved by what happened while giving his comments.