
Lawyer Says ‘QAnon Shaman’ Should Get Pardon

at 1:45 :
"many of the people who were in DC on the day of the riot were reportedly on the FBI's terrorist screening database... a massive database of names flagged as national security risks."

Again indicating that these were not people triggered by anything Trump said. That they had long histories of violent radicalism, and that FBI and DHS knew about them, long before Jan 6th events.
And that FBI and DHS were warned in advance by NYPD and other sources, and just sat on their hands and let it happen. Why would they do this? I think for the same reason that Charlottesville could have been prevented in 2017, but police were ordered to stand down and let the two sides clash in 2017, to feed a "violent right wing racist Trump supporters" narrative. Letting it play out, despite that the recently fired/resigned Capitol police chief begged for thousands of national guard troops to back up police SIX TIMES in the days leading up to Jan 6th. Why? Because it would create the spectacle of "violent Trump supporters" that they wanted, to try and make Trump politically toxic to his own supporters.



...Trump's support has actually risen since this Democrat/media narrative began. The public sees through the narrative blaming Trump, and they aren't buying it.

Also, 91% of Trump voters in November polled say they would vote for him again.