Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump gets lowest job approval

He never broke 50% while he was President. Sort of hard to do when you’re pleasing the camp auschwitz crowd I would imagine.

Assuming the "camp Auschwitz"-shirt guy is not an Antifa guy PRETENDING to be a Trump supporter to smear them at the rally, as many others like Jon Sullivan were. And it was Sullivan who deliberately caused the violence, not Trump. As Trump's 1 hour and 11 minute speech proves (which is why leftist big tech social media and the liberal media are trying so hard to ban it, so people caan't see the truth, that Trump did nothing wrong). Just as the videos Jon Sullivan and his BLM group posted on social media self-incriminatingly prove that his leftist group were the ones truly responsible for the violence.

Sorry that these FACTS interfere with your lying narrative.

As for the polls, all during Trump's presidency I posted polls that often showed him at 50%, 51% and even 53%. By a REAL and proven reliable poll, across multiple elections, Rasmussen shows Trump's approval polling at 51% today.

And the graph shows that during Trump's 4 years, Trump on many days polled higher than Obama at the same point in his presidency.

Keep pounding that delusional sand, you terrorist sympathizer!


I don't see any facts to prove my alleged delusion, just your usual petty insults.

Even if this "camp Aushwitz" guy turns out to be an actual Trump supporter, he's one lone nut, and not representative of the Trump movement, or a participant in any violence. Also:
1) Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner is Jewish
2) his daughter Ivanka, Kushner's wife, converted to Judaism
3) Trump's grandchildren are Jewish
4) Trump, after 30 years of promises to do so by 5 previous presidents, is the president who finally fulfilled the promise to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
5) Trump is otherwise the most pro-Israel president ever.
6) Trump negotiated a middle east peace deal that has secured the safety of millions of Jews in Israel
7) Democrats are the party of antisemitism, as exemplified by Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Barack Obama and Keith Ellison's ties to rabid antisemite Louis Farrakhan. And the entire party removing a pro-Israel policy from their platform. And for that matter, removed the God of Israel from their platform.