Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think if g- man was fine with letting republicans choose trump over a legal election

It was NOT a legal election, it's just an election where those who rigged it had powerful friends who allowed them to get away with it.

None of the state legislators or state/federal/U S supreme court judges ever actually weighed the evidence. They dismissed the case without examining the evidence using tricks like "lacks standing". They either were part of the Democrat election-rigging cabal, or were intimidated by the Democrat mob that would riot or be in their faces and protesting outside their homes and personally threatening them if they challenged it.
I've posted abundant links to the hearings in
Michigan: Col. Phil Waldron, statistical evidence of election fraud , and Hima Kolanagireddy testimony before Michigan House, election fraud , and Michigan state election hearings
Pennsylvania Rudy Giuliani testimony
Arizona Col. Phil Waldron, further evidence of electronic vote tampering and impossibilities
and Georgia 5 hours of testimony by election workers of election fraud
where the evidence was presented, and ignored.

As well as Peter Navarro's 40-page report, and the testimony and affidavits of hundreds of others.

Originally Posted by M E M
it’s hard to understand the issue he has here? Private businesses have the right to do this. Parler btw also has and does use it’s terms of service to ban people from their site. Personally I’m for free speech and hate evil. I also think the capital riot trump provoked is an event like 9/11 but this time the enemy is home grown.

Capitol. CAPITOL riot.

And I cited plenty of evidence that Trump did not "incite" it.
1) The planning of violence, reported up to a month in advance of Jan 6 2021 was reported by police to FBI and DHS, and they just sat on their hands and did noting. They were not incited by Trump, they planned their attacks long before Trump spoke. If it was planned way before Trump spoke on Jan 6th, how could Trump possibly have "incited" it?

2) The timeline doesn't match, they began their attack at 12:40 PM, Trump spoke from 12-noon to 1:11 PM. And at a 45 minute walk from the White House where Trump spoke to walk to the Capitol, even if they had previously been where Trump was speaking, to begin the violence, they would have left 5 minutes before Trump began speaking.

3) As I proved with the FBI arrest of John Sullivan and his BLM crew, BLM infiltrated the Trump supporters and started the violence, inciting others to join them, orchestrating one and possibly both of the killings that occurred.
BLM was at the center of making that violence happen.
The rest that occurred that day doesn't rise to the level of ONE of the HUNDREDS of cities BLM has looted and burned in any of their relentless riots and destruction.
Including a siege on the white House on May 31 2020 where Trump was pressed to evacuate the White House by Secret Service who were in danger of being over-run.
And BLM/Antifa mobs who attacked the most powerful people in the Republican party as they left the Republican National Convention on the White House grounds on August 28 2020. Rand Paul credits police officers with saving the lives of him and his wife.
Those were as much if not more severe domestic terrorist attacks by BLM and Antifa nationwide, far more severe terrorism in the fact that BLM has left widespread destruction across literally hundreds of cities, whole city blocks of stores looted and burned.

What is it now, about 180 straight nights that BLM has been continuing violent attacks on Portland? The HUNDREDS of cities that BLM has looted and burned. Including your own native Minneapolis, where they looted and burned over 500 businesses, torched to the ground whole ctiy blocks.
Burned A POLICE STATION to the ground !

But for the fact that a single officer was killed in the Capitol, I would say these BLM attacks over the last 9 months are far more severe. In terms of numbers, hundreds of cities, over 2,000 police injured, 25 police and civilians killed by BLM, in sheer numbers, they quantifiably are more severe.
In the Capitol, no part of the building was burned, a few smashed glass doors and windows, but within 4 hours, the Trump protesters (whether actual supporters, or BLM/Antifa in disguise) were gone, and the Congressional joint session came back in chambers and concluded the electoral count.
Compare that with the business owners in your own town and hundreds of other cities, their stores are burned to the ground, and both they and their employees are permanently deprived of income and jobs and property.
Would that the 97%-of employees at FBI and DOJ donating to the Hillary Clinton, Obama, Biden and the DNC were as quick to call THAT "domestic terrorism", and investigate and crush BLM and Antifa for their actions. But their corrupt partisan loyalty to the Democrat party makes them stand down. And eagerly consent to weaponize their federal authority to go after "domestic terrorist" Trump supporters.

Regarding shutting down of Parler, attorneys far more versed in the law than me have pointed out that companies who did what Amazon, Twitter, Apple and others are doing to Parler amounts to unfair trade practices, of the kind that led to breaking up of monopolies in anti-trust federal action a hundred years ago.
And the tech giants now have far greater reach and influence than those of that previous era.

As I said before, it's kind of like if Thomas Edison invented electricity, but would only sell it to people and companies he politically agreed with. You can't deny telephone service or electricity or water or auto and home insurance to people just because you disagree with them politically. If someone denied service to blacks or gays or hispanics, you'd be quick to see the wrong of that. And when you're Twitter, it's wrong to conspire with every other giant provider of service to completely shut Parler out from any other alternative outlet for new and current subscribers, and you can't just shut down their ability to get servers to provide service to their users.
That is not "fair trade".
That's bullying and intimidation.
Intimidation to the level they are having difficulty finding lawyers or server providers, because if it's known who is providing these services to Parler, THEY will be threatened and intimidated as well. I saw an interview with Parler's owner on Lou Dobbs a few nights ago, and he said they have new servers, but he won't disclose the names of his server providers, because they will be threatened and intimidated and destroyed if he does.

You say you hate evil, M E M, but that is pretty fucking evil.

Originally Posted by M E M
I also think the capital riot trump provoked is an event like 9/11 but this time the enemy is home grown.

I frankly give you credit for being too politically aware of the actual facts NOT to know what you just said is a lie. Therefore you are deliberately KNOWINGLY fronting the lying talking points of your Bolshevik party. Trump did not provoke the violence, see what I posted above, and the multiple links I posted earlier, that I'm tired of re-posting. I cited all the evidence, you just pretend it doesn't exist and ignore it so you can continue fronting.

You hate evil M E M?
YOUR PARTY is evil. The threats and intimidation they use to get their way is absolute proof of that.
And you, following the tactics of your party, further slander people as "racists", "white supremacists", inciting violence, of being terrorists, many in your party "dox" them on social media, and threaten to get people fired from their jobs as a further way to steamroll over them, just to win politically. I've already proven that Democrat BLM and Antifa types, since at least 2016, have infiltrated Trump rallies and started violence so as to frame trump supporters.
Even before inauguration, beginning on Jan 6th, the moment trump conceded the election, your party has telegraphed the new levels of intimidation and authoritarianism they have planned to crush all political dissent. The Democrat party looks just like the Chinese Communist Party.