
Immediately after Trump conceded the election, Twitter and Facebook immediately froze Trump's accounts, cutting off communication with his followers.

I'm very hard pressed to even find Trump's 1 hour 11 minute speech online now, that proves he didn't incite a riot at the Capitol, that the harshest thing he said was, "in a few minutes you'll be walking over to the Capitol building, to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support..."

But without allowing the video of Trump's speech to be seen online, there is only the echo chamber of Democrat Senate and House members and Biden and liberal reporters telling you (without showing you) that Trump "incited" a riot.
No, no wait, that's not strong enough and hysterical enough, let's instead call it an " insurrection". No, no, a "siege" !!

But the earlier ACTUAL seige a year ago on the White House by BLM on May 31 2020, or the actual siege on Republican leadership as they left the Republican national convention on August 28 2020, those equal or worse attacks were just "peaceful" protests. All they did was burn a historic church right across the street from the White House, cover the walls with graffitti, break up the sidewalks with hammers into large rocks to throw at police, injure 50 Secret Service agents, and come close enough to overunning the White House that Secret Service pressed Trump to evacuate from the White House to a safe location.

Peaceful !
How DARE White House police fire pepper spray at these "peaceful" protesters.

But 35 or 40 thugs entering the Capitol building on January 6th, some forcefully, some just walking in, dim bulbs who walked around, smashed some windows, and stole a few souvenirs. Men so cunning and threatening that they took selfies of themselves inside the Capitol with their friends and their trophies, so they were quickly identified and arrested within days. 35 or 40, at least some of whom were Antifa infiltrating and PRETENDING to be Trump supporters, just to frame them for destruction, or egg them on to do some of the damage themselves. Mission accomplished.

35 or 40, out of "well over 100,000" (according to reporter Jack Posobiec, OAN news) Trump supporters who were at the event. But just enough for the Democrat/Left machine to portray ALL Trump supporters as dangerous, "domestic terrorists", "racist", "white supremacist".
So dangerous that tens of thousands of conservative social media accounts are being shut down, on far more forums than just Facebook and Twitter, dozens of platforms. And even Republican leaders and conservative reporters and Judicial Watch and others are being deemed too dangerous to continue to have a voice or communication on any social media.

And I've noticed on either Google or DuckDuckGo that no matter what I keyword search, no article from Fox News, OAN, Newsmax , The Federalist, Townhall.com, Breitbart or any other conservative information source comes up in the search list. Pretty much the only way to find conservative perspective is on their sites directly, it's near impossible to get conservative information the way I have previously for 20 years on the internet.

Democrats are accusing other Republican Senators and House members of secretly helping the Capitol "siege".
Accusing Capitol police!
And even screening the 25,000 or so National Guard troops occupying Washington DC for "right wing" ties and social media posts. They can't be trusted! Hey, the only proof they'r reliable is they enlisted and spent several years till now fighting to defend our country. They found 2 out of 25,000 they deemed to be overly friendly (white supremacist? Just questioned the fairness of the election?) and 10 others they dismissed and sent home as ambiguously questionable at a lesser level and sent home.

You have Democrats talking about "de-programming" Republicans, putting them in Soviet-style "re-education camps", having DHS take away their children and have them instead raised and indoctrinated by leftist agents of the state, to break the kids' alleged right-wing programming.

And now this:

Tucker Carlson, Jan 18, 2021.

Yes. It'ss not about "protecting" Washington DC, it's about intimidation, a show of overwhelming force, saying we're in charge now, we can do whatever we want, shut up and obey.

And even before Obama was inaugurated, even before Trump conceded, it was already beginning to spill out, what Biden (or whoever is pulling the puppet strings on his corrupt imaginationless re-animated corpse) was hell-bent on doing:

* Open borders, welcoming illegals in the tens of thousands.

* Amnesty for illegals.

* Free healthcare for illegals.

* Scrapping the XL Pipeline with Canada, despite the Canadian government's pleas not to stop it, and despite reports back to the Obama administration showing it will cause virtually no economic change in the region. Despite that it will destroy hundreds of thousands of energy jobs created under Trump.

* Going back into the Paris environmental agreement, that will further cripple the U.S., but does nothing to force the world's greatest polluters, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, to comply.

* Going back into the insane Iran nuclear deal, that will assure that evil country acquires nuclear weapons.

* Slashing our military, to pay for even more social spending.

* Scrapping Trump's "1776 Project", and instead going back to critical race theory and the "1619 Project" that teaches Cultural Marxism, and will continue teach the next generation to hate America and vote Democrat, so we can throw away that annoying white racist Constitution, throw away our sovereignty, and be good slaves of the globalist system and the Chinese.

And probably more lockdowns, and incompetent slowing of the Covid-19 vaccine distribution. Whatever will benefit Biden politically, and allow the Democrats to consolidate even more absolute power.

And as one female pundit I haven't seen before said on Newsmax, the Democrats, despite that they not only got Biden, but also got 2 more Senate seats in Georgia (with Kamala Harris as V P giving a slight majority over the 50-50 Senate), despite that they swept the table, that's not good enough. They want to punish Trump voters, they want to crush them, they want to put them in re-education camps, they want to take away their kids, they want to humiliate them. She said: "These people are the sorest winners I've ever seen!"

Biden is supposedly about "healing" the country, and creating unity, but that sounds unmistakeably like hatred, deeper division, and an ethnic/political purge.
Gee, why should Republicans feel nervous?
Why should they be angry?
Why should they be frantically buying guns to protect themselves? Why would any of them want to lash back?
I can't imagine.

This increasingly doesn't seem like a liberal Democrat president. It sounds increasingly like the French Revolution (and some of those BLM protestors last summer were carrying Kathy Griffin-style effigy severed heads and guillotines, to make that point).
The people in power, just as they were when they served in the Obama administration, are enthusiastic fans of socialism, and of the consolidating power tactics of Stalinist/Leninist Russia, Castro's Cuba, Che Gueverra (who shot thousands of bound unarmed prisoners), Mao's China, Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. And as I've posted for 10 years, they frequently QUOTED these marxists while they were staffers int he White House. They just couldn't help themselves. And while they believed that ideology then, they were more reserved about revealing their true intentions, more careful. But now they are completely uninhibited and clamoring for Trump/conservative blood. Even as they are prepared to lay this country wide open to its enemies abroad.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?