Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I can only speak for myself but today was just a relief WB. The country is pretty divided. One side is not going to be able to dominate the other even if they wanted to. We are one nation and I think there’s enough things both parties can work on together for everyone’s benefit.

The chaos and conflict, for decades, is initiated completely on the Democrat/Left side of the political spectrum. The country is divided because your side constantly smears Republicans as "racist', "white supremacist", "nazi" and so forth.
Whereas in truth, by the specific actions I can cite at length, Democrats are the true Nazis.

The riots, looting, silencing of political speech, intimidation and even murders is almost completely done by the Democrat/Left.
And the cancel-culture. Even former W.Bush and Trump officials are blacklisted from speaking at universities. Harvard wants to take away the degrees of any former Trump officials!
As far back as 10 years ago, it was becoming unsafe for people like Ann Coulter or Karl Rove to appear at a university lecture, or even a promotional signing event in a bookstore.

Multiple Republican Senators and House members have been physically attacked over the last 8 years or so. Rand Paul, MULTIPLE times! He has permanent hearing loss in one ear because of an attack on him at his home by a Democrat fanatic several years ago.
And again attacked, and also his wife and hundreds of other Republicans, as they exited the Republican National Convention in August 2020.

Another Republican Congressman, just sitting at a convention table (caught on video) was attacked from behind and knocked unconscious.

At least two Republican supporters were murdered last year. One caught on video.

As I've posted prior, there is an average of two physical attacks on Trump supporters daily, for the last 4 years.

And of course, when Democrats are in power of all or any part of government, they weaponize it against Republicans.
Lois Lerner and the IRS in 2010-2013, to intimidate and stall Tea Party and religious conservative 501-C groups, to prevent them from organizing and campaigning for Romney in 2012. Auditing large Republican donors like Frank Vandersloot, to again intimidate and discourage other Republicans from donating to the GOP. A consistent Democrat abuse of power, down to federal agencies, teacher unions, teachers in the classroom, and local county elections supervisors.

And now, Democrats, back in power of all 3 branches, of news media, of social media, of government agencies, emboldened, are attempting to blacklist every Trump official, so they can't even got a job! They are trying to take away Kayleigh McAneny's Harvard law degree! Not an honorary awarded degree, but an ACTUAL degree, that she worked 8 years for, and spent in excess of $50,000 a year to EARN ! Who's next? Alan Deshowitz? Jonathan Turley? I believe Rudy Giuliani was one of the names offered up for a similar purge.

And now that your Bolshevik party has won the election, far from being happy about it and standing down, they are tightening the screws and taking even more bold actions to threaten, silence and intimidate Republicans, attempting to crush Republicans with even more silencing of their free speech and right to their own beliefs. It's not an insult to say that, it's a fact that your party is literally behaving like the Bolshevik party in former-soviet Russia, in its intimidation and silencing of all dissenting thought.

And now, as we saw with Lois Lerner and the IRS beginning in 2010, and as we further saw with Comey, McCabe, Strzok and others at the FBI and DOJ, weaponizing federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies against the Trump campaign, and then weaponized on a sitting president with illegal FISA warrants and other layers of spies and assets to infiltrate and frame officials in his campaign and presidential staff.
And having gotten away with that, and controlling all 3 branches of government, Democrats will be greatly emboldened to even further abuses of power, to torment Republicans and anyone else who gets in their way.

A Biden presidency sure as hell isn't "relief" from political rancor. The Democrats and Biden personally, ARE the rancor.

Far from it, they are emboldened to even worse acts of intimidation, suppression and violence toward all conservative political dissent.
When Democrats were out of power, they unleashed incredible abuse on Republicans in power, and on everyone who had the audacity to vote for Trump. And through cancel-culture, even on anyone who simply disagreed with the Dems.
And now that Democrats are back in power, they've already made clear they want to unleash payback, to crush the conservative side of the political spectrum (first voiced by Jennifer Rubin, New York Times, seconded by Hillary Clinton and others, even by the pinhead women on The View), put them in "re-education camps", silence them from all social media, publicly shame them and make them confess their sins in public trials (Robert Reich's idea, that CNN and MSNBC talking heads have cheered on), shut down Fox News, OAN and Newsmax, and even blacklist conservatives so they can't even hold jobs!
Crush them, humiliate them, deprive them of even having income.

That doesn't sound like "relief" to me.
We're already seeing the screws being tightened.

Watch the above Tucker Carlson video again. That overly somber and militarized swearing-in ceremony could just as easily be a ceremony for Kim Jong Un or Xi Jinping. We are living in a police state, where no dissenting speech or political assembly will be tolerated. And if it is voiced, it will be crushed, under the guise of it being "domestic terrorism". That was the message of that closed-off military-occupied inauguration ceremony.

AGAIN: there was no coordination of political violence on Parler, the Capitol-seizing groups identified all coordinated on Facebook and Twitter. And yet Parler was crushed and taken down, and Facebook and Twiiter, leftist groups like BLM and Antifa go on plotting their intimidation and violence on these sites uninterrupted.
Likewise, the worst governments on earth, such as the Ayatollah in Iran, who routinely posts holocaust denial, and threats of genocide against Israel.
And the Chinese government openly boasting about sterilization of muslim Uyghur women in Xinjiang province in western China,Facebook-posting Orwellian propaganda saying it's somehow good and "liberating" for them, when in truth it is ethnic cleansing, to wipe out the Uyghurs in a generation and replace them with racial Han Chinese. Likewise in Tibet. Facebook finally took down the posts because it was giving them bad publicity.

But George Orwell's Facebook lets these genocidal monsters post freely, and then bans Trump from these and at least 17 other social media accounts. Because Trump is portrayed as "too dangerous" to post, and "might" solicit violence, without any proof, but only because his speech offends the far-left beliefs of social media's oligarch owners.
It's not about what's right.
It's about power.
And your Democrat-Bolshevik party is doing nothing less than eliminate the checks and balances of our Constitutional republic, eliminating the Constitution itself and the protections it provides, just to secure their absolute power, and permanent majority. Bolshevik translated means "majority".