Some presidential election information:

2008 election:
OBAMA 69,498,516 52.9%
McCAIN 59,948,323 45.7%

2012 election:
OBAMA 65,915,795 51.1%
ROMNEY 60,933,504 47.2%

2016 election:
TRUMP 62,984,828 46.1%
CLINTON 65,853,514 48.2%

2020 election (with proven fraudulent results uncorrected) :
TRUMP 74,223,251 46.9%
BIDEN 81,281,888 51.3%

Biden got 15,428,374 more votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Biden got 15,366,093 more votes than Barack Obama in 2012?

Biden got 11,783,372 more votes than Obama got in 2008 ?!? (at Obama's peak in popularity)

Is that believable ?!?
That was a rhetorical question. No, it's not.

There's no way an incompetent charisma-less candidate like Biden, who in most of the last year never even left his home and campaigned, who is so lacking cognizance, that he can barely even finish a sentence, who generally had up to 20 people turn out for any of his campaign speeches, could have honestly won more votes than charismatic speakers like Obama and Trump that drew record crowds to their rallies.
Up till 3:AM on election night, Trump was winning in a landslide. It wasn't until they temporarily closed the vote count for the night and sent the poll observers home, and broke out the truckloads of illegal ballots and began manipulating the vote on Dominion machines, that the tide turned rather suddenly, with no one watching, for Biden. The evidence is overwhelming. But the legislators and the courts are either in on it, or too intimidated to stop it. The evidence is overwhelming, that Trump won until the results were rigged, and the evidence that should have stopped the rigging was corruptly ignored.

( numbers sourced from and previous elections )