Originally Posted by iggy
Yeah, I don't get the inability to wrap your head around the fact that BIden didn't have to be that popular. Trump just had to be that unpopular as to drive people to the polls to vote him out. If 2024 is vanilla r vs vanilla d, then I expect turnout to drop a pretty decent bit. Polarizing figures, otherwise, push people to one pole or another.

I don't get your inability to acknowledge the evidence right in front of you.

Thousands of witnesses to election fraud, not signature matching, and bringing in thousands of ballots in the back door after 3 AM on election night. Some of it caught on video in Atlanta. That coincides exactly with a spike in Biden votees that put him over the top. And the same in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. And even if not changing the election, inflating the Biden count and lowering the Trump count across at least 30 states where Dominion voting machines were used. I've posted the videotaped hearings and other evidence a dozen times, at least.

Trump, even with the rigging of the vote, got 12 million more votes in 2020 than 2016.

An uber-popular Barack Obama actually LOST millions of votes in 2012 and still had enough to pull off a narrow win.

If Trump got more than 12 million more votes, that would indicate Trump was clearly not unpopular, and did not shrink his voter-base. Your comment also doesn't take into account many othrr irregularities. Biden performed low nationwide across all 50 states, and only pulled out a huge margin of victory in a few major DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED cities, and even there he was underperforming until they stopped the vote around 3 AM, and a huge influx of highly questionable ballots poured in after vote observers were sent home.

All the evidence reeks of election fraud.
And Democrats are preventing any audit of the vote, which only raises further suspicion they are hiding something. If you want to unify the country and assure the other side it was truly a free and far election, locking away the evidence and calling anyone a "traitor" or "insurrectionist" who just wants to look at the evidence is not the way to heal those suspicions.