I like Jill Biden too. She seems like a sincere and affectionate person.

I can't say the same of her husband. But Jill Biden is not the one signing executive orders that allow the Bolshevik left to destroy America.

And it's too bad the rest of the Democrats don't have regard for our troops. They brought them into Washington DC to use as props to intimidate the American people, as a show of intimidation for inauguration, and then immediately after discarded their props, forcing them to sleep on the concrete floor of a parking garage in 37-degree weather. It was Donald Trump who opened his DC hotel to U.S. troops to give them a decent place to sleep. Even after leaving the White House, Trump continues to demonstrate himself as a person of generosity and class. And most of all, someone with a high regard for our soldiers in uniform. Trump, I'll remind you, is the first president who never accepted a salary as president in his 4 years, and each quarter gave away his earnings to different charitable groups, very often the Veterans' Administration. That's a lot more than cookies.