Originally Posted by iggy
Donald lost the popular vote the time he got elected and he wasn't near the polarizing figure he was in 2020. Yes, he gained voters. I don't deny that, but numbers indicate that he also alienated huge swaths of the electorate too. Those people didn't need to turnout to support Biden because Trump energized them to turnout against him. I actually give Trump a shit ton of credit for being amazingly influential. It was just a lot more negatively so than positively and that drove voter participation to levels not seen in a century. All Biden had to do was a) be opposite Trump and b) not be as "guess she is the lesser evil" as Hillary in 2016. That's it. That's the big fucking secret to his success.

And yet... Trump got 12 million more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. !2 million is a lot more voters, hardly a sign of declining popularity. As far as "losing swaths of the electorate", as I recall 93% of Trump voters said they would vote for him again, a higher ratio than any previous Republican president. Trump's numbers among blacks and hispanics also increased by 50% (from 8% in 2016 to 12% of blacks in 2020 ) and many Republicans who were skeptical of Trump and didn't vote for him in 2016, such as Glenn Beck, were won over by what he followed through and actually did as president. The Puerto Rican girl who cuts my hair hated Trump in 2016, but as a business owner, she grew to like Trump and appreciate his tax policy that benefits her as a business owner. And has greater appreciation for Republicans in general, as I'm sure she realizes if her shop were in New York or New Jersey or Michigan or California, she'd be locked down and out of business.

AGAIN: a very popular (but also polarizing) Barack Obama lost 4 million votes in his re-election in 2012, and still got re-elected. Trump got 12 million more votes, and somehow lost. That doesn't add up. And there are a lot of irregularities. Biden won in only about 550 counties, Trump won in over 2,000 counties. Nationwide, Biden lost hispanic and black votes in most of the nation, but only won overwhelming majorities of black and hispanic votes in a few key Democrat controlled cities (where the vote was rigged after 3 AM). But inconsistent with how Biden under-performed with the same demographic groups in other pats of the country. The evidence of vote-rigging is overwhelming, particularly in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona. And if the evidence proves a fair election, why are the Democrats so resistant to letting that evidence be examined in an audit or re-count?

The fact is, at 3 AM on election night, Trump was winning in an electoral landslide comparable to 2016. Then (for the first time in U S history) they stopped the election count in multiple states, in a way akin to rigged Venezuela elections. Then, thousands of fake and unauthorized ballots were added, without vote observers present.
Thousands of affidavit-sworn witnesses attest to that.
VIDEO SURVEILLANCE in Atlanta attests to that.
Irregularities in Dominion voting machines attest to that.
The fact that a number of precincts in multiple states have 90%, 95%, 100% or even 130% voter turnout --MORE VOTERS THAN THERE ARE PEOPLE-- attests to that.
Midnight additions of votes at a rate faster than the machines used could possibly process them, attests to that.

The visible ineligible votes, tens of thousands of them, of dead people voting, double voting, unmatched signatures, visibly illegal (non-residential) addresses used of churches, businesses, abandoned buildings and vacant lots or just made up, in each of the 6 contested states, FAR exceed Biden's margin of victory in all 6 states, if judges were just willing to look at the evidence.

As was testified to with evidence presented in multiple states, by many witnesses, by poll workers with decades of election experience, by technolofy experts, by technology business owners, by fraud investigation experts, and by former military information warfare experts, and by affidavits from thousands of other witnesses not called on to testiify.