That opinion of yours would have more weight if you ever opposed the obstruction the Democrats have given for FOUR YEARS to anything Trump proposed.

Trump policy that was known to be good for the country and should have been bipartisan, but the Democrats obstructed it just to prevent Trump from getting a legislative win. Such as aid to displaced workers due Covid-19 business closures. Democrats have outright admitted that they delayed legislation just to hurt Trump.

Likewise the state closures in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, California. And lo and behold, as soon as Biden is inaugurated, they want to open back up ! Pure political motivation, no other for the closures. Andrew Cuomo in New York in particular said almost verbatim what Trump said 6 months ago: "We can't have the cure be worse than the disease, businesses won't survive..."
Does Cuomo think no one will notice hiss plagiarism? Maybe those watching CNN and MSNBC will be ignorant to it.

And I don't see where the Republicans legislators have engaged in the same tactics as the Democrats. Republicans are even willing to appoint officials they think are bad people, but still approve, because they think a Democrat president still has the right to appoint who they think will best implement their (nation-destroying, suicidal) policy. Whereas the Democrat senators under at least Trump and W. Bush have tried to block, waged holy war, and tried to destroy nominees they ideologically disagree with.