Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think a zealot tries to cast peaceful protesters as the same as the violent ones like you do. I recognize the difference between pro-trump protesters that didn’t trash our capitol and engage in violence and the ones that did. So you are only fooling yourself on who is the true zealot here.

First of all, I don't do that, and never did. That is a completely made up slander.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I don’t consider every trump supporter a white nationalist. I also see a difference between the peaceful protesters that went to the rally that didn’t storm the Capital riot and those that did. A difference Trump didn’t use for the largely peaceful protesters from this last summer btw. Now everyone can see the threat pro-trump terrorists pose to our country and hopefully finally treat it like other terrorism.

The reason both Trump, myself and most conservatives don't make that distinction with he BLM protesters is because they burned and looted HUNDREDS OF CITIES. It wasn't limited to just a few sections of one building. In your native Minneapolis, they burned ad destroyed over 500 businesses in just that one city. Also, the Democrats and liberal media were very dismissive of the mass destruction, on CNN reporter Ari-what's-his-name stood with the whole horizon behind him on fire, and laughably said "mostly peaceful protests". Ass to that how they, both Democrats and CNN and MSNBC reporters far from condemning the BLM violence, called it "justifiable". There's absolutely no sympathy from the same liberal Newspeak liars for the protesters on January 6th.

You do do that WB. I had friends and relatives that participated peacefully in the BLM protests. Good people that are not anti cop but recognize there is a problem. Trump cast them as just as bad as the worst. Lots of republicans like yourself ran with it.

Fair play!