Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trade deficit up to 67.1 billion in August, 14 year high

I hope Biden can do better than loser trump turd!

The Chinese were holding out to see if #JoeChina, China's inside man, could get elected, and they were successful. Trump never avoided the subject, he plainly said that if he was elected to a second term (and he was, and electoral fraud cheated him of that second term ) that China could not hold out another 4 years, and would within weeks of his re-election be forced to sign a deal with Trump.
Same with Iran.
Same with North Korea.

But because Biden was able to rig the vote and do a soft coup, all these nations are laughing at us and slapping each other high-fives.
Likewise Al Qaida.
Likewise the Mexican drug cartels (that also make a third of their profits trafficking illegals into the U.S.).
Likewise ISIS.
Likewise Russia.

Not even a week into Biden's presidency, he is destroying this country from within.
Biden scrapped the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, that instantly terminated 11,000 jobs and threatens U.S. oil independence, and will kill another 700,000 jobs over the next 10 years.
Biden is allowing Chinese components into the U.S. electrical grid, that can be cyber-hacked and be used in a war to destroy us.
Biden wants to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, that will ASSURE Iran gets nuclear weapons within just a few years. And they have ICBM's now that will allow them to target the U.S. and any other part of the world. AND WILL SET OFF A NUCLEAR ARMS RACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST.
Biden re-entered the U.S. into the Paris Accord that Trump took us out of, that will further cripple U.S. industry, despite that WITHOUT that agreement, the U.S. has till now had lover emissions than any other nation on earth. And despite that while crippling COMPLIANT U.S. industry, the Paris Accord puts not requirements of compliance on China, India, Iran, North Korea or the other greatest polluters on earth. All it does is damage the U.S.

On every level, Biden is signing policy that will hurt the country, cause skyrocketing prices of fuel and goods, and eliminate millions of jobs. I seriously hope we can survive 4 years of Obama, before the Democratss can do permanent damage. He is acting as if he were elected and had a mandate, but he was NOT elected. And Democrats won't allow the evidence to be looked at, because they know that's the case.
It is quantifiably proven by every measure that Trump is the most effective president in over 50 years, and has overseen the highest rise in incomes in every demographic: blacks, hispanics, women, asians, people under 25, and whites. The lowest unemployment in over 50 years. The first rise in real incomes in 50 years, ESPECIALLY benefitting the middle class and poor. A big part of that was reigning in illegal immigration, so that an uncontrolled swarm of illegal immigrants stopped driving down wages. Guess what Biden immediately destroyed? BORDER SECURITY.

It's an absolute fact that Joe Biden is a self-confessed prostitute for lobby cash who will sell himself to whoever greases him with corrupt financial compensation for the betrayal. Both Biden's sons sat on the boards of the largest corporations in his state, that greased him with huge campaign contributions, and were rewarded with huge legislative favors from Biden, that paid off for them in the billions.
Biden is China's guy, and the New York Post broke that story a month before the election. Peter Schweizer and Gregg Jarrett exposed that corruption closer to 4 years ago in their books. Michelle Malkin exposed Biden's 50 years of corruption in her 2010 book CULTURE OF CORRUPTION. It's beyond denial. All the Orwellian mainstream media and social media do is suppress this information about Biden's undeniable corruption, but they cannot hide it.
THAT's your "turd", M E M.