Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Glad to see they getting rid of the Trump propagandists. I’ve been following what Trump did during his term and it was exactly what you are accusing Biden of doing. Trump politiciized every department he could. As even the story you link to touches upon a reporter would get into trouble for daring to ask pos toady Pompeo a question. That is the censorship you wanted to keep WB.

All Trump did was use executive orders to turn back the executive orders and over-reach of the Obama-Bolshevik white house. Trump didn't do anything radical, he just neutralized the fanaticism put in place by the Obama/Biden administration. Obamacare, the single-payer mandate that cost double what private insurance did, but provided no coverage. Intolerable outrages like forcing Catholic schools and hospitals (who oppose birth control and abortion) to fund these things. Little Sisters of the Poor. Forcing Christian photographers and bakers to cater gay weddings, or be fined out of business. Trump did not invade or crush anyone's rights. He just restored Constitutional religious and free speech rights that the piece of shit Democrats had taken away.

Trump took us back to zero, restored us back to a functioning capitalist economy, as it was in the Reagan era, Trump did *NOT* do "exactly what [I am] accusing Biden of doing". Trump did the opposite, he restored this country to what it was before Obama and the Democrats destroyed it.
Incentivized factories and jobs to return to the U.S., secured our border, re-built our military that Obama crippled and destroyed, slashed smothering business regulation.

What the pieces of shit in your Democrat-Bolshevik party want to do is crush the middle class and small business, to make us all completely dependent on government and its enormous corporate backers. So there is no outside political power, so we have no private resources, so if we oppose their socialist plans, the Bolsheviks in federal government, the Comeys and Strzoks, the Schumers, Ocasio-Cortez's and Pelosis, can crush us if we dissent in the slightest.
As their allies are doing to conservative information and free speech on social media. They even silenced the New York Post, the nation's third largest newspaper !
As Biden's nazis did to the few conservatives in the Voice Of America organization. Democrats are similarly purging any officers who are not reliable Democrat zealots.

There was an article early in Obama's presidency about his purge of conservative officers, and replacing them with officers "who will fire on U.S. citizens".
Do you remember the Janet Napolitano memo in DHS, instructing DHS to surveil current and former military?
How much more so is that happening now?

And again, that's in addition to a Democrat-zealot-controlled and weaponized FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS, State Department, DHS, and other federal branches of government. Now the military. All of which federal agencies, as I pointed out in a recent topic, missed the largest foreign cyber-hack of the U.S. in history, BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY USING THEIR RESOURCES TO TARGET THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION.
Because they were too busy rigging a U.S. presidential election.
Instead of protecting us from foreign threats, as these agencies are designed to.

They have instead turned their resources inward, to target the American people, in particular the ones they disagree with politically. A Stalinist purge.