Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
54 percent approval for Biden

Not bad given the partisanship these days.

The divisiveness comes entirely from the Democrat-Bolshevik side of the aisle.
A little context:


President Joe Biden campaigned on a message of unifying a deeply fractured nation, reiterating the theme frequently during his inauguration speech earlier this month.
According to a recent poll, however, the new administration has thus far attracted the approval of less than half of the country.

In fact, Rasmussen found that outgoing President Donald Trump had a higher approval rate before leaving office than Biden did a week into his term.

Despite puff pieces and general approval from the mainstream media in regard to his nascent presidency, following years of widespread vilification of the Trump administration, the Democratic Party’s promise of unity has not come to fruition.
The polling firm’s daily presidential tracking poll found Biden’s approval and disapproval ratings were tied at 48% each.

Breaking the results down further, 34% said they “strongly approved” of Biden’s performance, compared to 41% who “strongly disapproved.
The supposedly divisive Trump administration ended on decidedly better terms, according to the poll. Upon leaving office, Trump had an approval rating of 51% — three points higher than his disapproval rating.

Of course, Rasmussen polling results are frequently outliers compared to other major firms, and the early Biden approval numbers are no exception.

The RealClearPolitics average of polls, which includes Rasmussen, finds that Biden has the approval of nearly 55% of the nation and just 37% disapprove. Reiterating the disparity between polls, the same average as reported at the end of Trump’s term found his rating was underwater by 15 points with just 41% overall approval.

In a separate survey question, Rasmussen reported that of 1,000 likely voters polled between Jan. 25-26, only 16% believed the country was more unified than before the election. About one in four felt the level of division between Americans was roughly the same.

Perhaps most telling, a whopping 56% believe the nation’s sharp divisions have only grown deeper since Biden’s inauguration. Nevertheless, some experts believe Biden’s inaugural “honeymoon” period is likely to be short-lived.

As Fordham University political scientist Jeffrey Cohen explained: “One of the things that’s happened is that old-fashioned ‘let’s give the guy a chance’ has kind of evaporated. Instead, people don’t break out of their voting patterns. The divisiveness that you see in election campaigns stays.”

The post Rasmussen poll: Biden’s initial approval rating dips below 50 percent first appeared on Conservative Institute.

And as I've pointed out often, that's with the media acting as Biden's protector and propping him up every day, and that same media hyperpartisanly attacking Trump and kicking him down every day. And yet, even with all that, Trump holds this level of popularity. With poll evidence, more popular than Biden, despite the Orwellian Newspeak media.

Far from striving for unity and any outreach to the 74.3 million Trump voters he cheated on election day (and won't even allow investigation of the ballots to assure them it was a fair election), Biden has turned Washington DC into an armed camp, has called anyone who disagrees with him "domestic terrorists" who need to be spied on by federal agencies, has overseen calls to de-platform conservatives who even criticize him from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Amazon and other social media, and further calls to take Fox News, OAN and Newsmax off the air "de-platforming" them from cable television subscribers. And even had the likes of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi accuse Republican House and Senate members as "enemies within our own ranks."

These same Democrats that accuse Republicans of "inciting", are the same Democrats that cheer on Antifa and BLM burning hundreds of cities nationwide, the same Democrats who cheer on attacks on federal buildings and ICE compounds EVERY DAY, and never acknowledge that their own rhetoric DIRECTLY incites and encourages these attacks. Even as they try to manufacture allegations that Trump incited riots at the Capitol on January 6th.
DESPITE that the NYPD, FBI and DHS were made aware these Jan 6th attacks were planned long before Trump ever gave his speech that day.
Despite that the attacks that day moved into position BEFORE Trump began his speech.
Despite that there are no words in Trump's 71-minute speech that incited violence. If it were there, the Democrats and liberal media would be quoting it endlessly. They're not.

The Democrats at every turn are the ones inciting division and political violence. Biden, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Ocasio-Cortez, pretty much every Democrat.

And then Biden has the audacity to pass an unprecedented 40 executive orders in his first 8 days, ramming his Bolshevik nation-destroying agenda down the nation's throats, as if this fraudulent unelected clod had some kind of mandate to do so.

Even Tulsi Gabbard has made a public statement about how dangerous what Team Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are doing.

Even the New York Times published an editorial saying okay, enough with the executive orders already, that he should time to try to actually lead and build coalitions, not deliver unpopular executive orders like a tyrant king.

Is it any wonder that in less than 2 weeks, in ACTUAL polls and not gushing liberal media puff pieces, Biden has already dropped below 50% in not even his first 2 weeks?
Democrats are proving their tyranny and abuse of power, and corruption every day.