
The Biden government declares war on half the country -Tucker Carlson 1-28-2021, Thursday

Tucker Carlson's is not even one of the best commentaries on this authoritarian trend, but he gives a well enough overview of it here. The Biden administration, in a pincer movement coordinated with its allies in the liberal media, social media and the Deep State, are using one relatively small event in the Capitol to rationalize declaring a war of annihilation on all dissenting conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters as a "terrorr threat" or "jihadists" comparable to ISIS and Al Qaida, that need to be de-platformed as dangerous radicals, and surveiled by federal law enforcement agencies. Even conservative House and Senate members are (in the words of Pelosi) "the enemies in our midst" !

And I think the next planned step for Democrats is to stoke another incident (an incident that would never happen if not for this provocation by Democrats, that is WHAT THEY WANT to happen, what they are deliberately inciting), so they can rationalize a de-platforming of "radical/extremist" Republican leadership, a de-platforming of all conservative thought in broadcast news, in radio and in print media, and then begin taking away personal firearms, so that we will be completely at their mercy (and if it isn't obvious yet, they HAVE no mercy, there is nothing these Democrat Bolsheviks will not do).

99.999999 % of Republicans will play it smart and not escalate what the Democrats are trying to provoke.
Democrats are looking for just that one, who will rationalize their intended pre-emptive coup.
In the pattern of Erdogan's takedown of all his political opposition in Turkey.
Or after one Jewish kid shot at a German diplomat in 1938, giving license to a Kristallnacht across all of Germany.
Or a Night of the Ling Knives in 1934.
Or the burning of the Reichstag in 1933.

Democrats are looking for that one little spark, to rationalize their torching down all conservative resistance nationwide.
And they are doing their damnedest to provoke it.

