Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump left Biden with the biggest trade deficit in the last 14 years so good luck with me believing you actually care about policy. You celebrate failure when it’s a republicans in charge and the deficit grows.

Biden and the rest of your piece of shit Democrat-Bolshevik party have destroyed about 20,000 high-paying jobs in just the last week.
And will destroy millions of jobs before they finish.
They are wrong on the Paris Accord (we were lowering environmental emissions at a faster pace than any nation taking part in the treaty, WITHOUT destroying our own economy as the Paris Accord would make us. And the majority of the world's pollution comes from India and China , 35%. As compared to the 15% the U.S. creates, and yet we have to cripple our economy in the Paris agreement, while the greatest polluters are required to do nothing. Even John Kerry admitted if the U.S. fully complies, it will mean nothing if China and India don't comply, and they won't.)
They are wrong in bringing back the Iran Nuclear deal.
They are wrong in buying components from the Chinese for our infrastructure (that they can hack, and destroy us with). Biden and the Dems will do a lot of damage in four years,
They are wrong in inviting millions of illegal immigrants to take away even more jobs, even as Biden destroys jobs so more Americans will be looking, but will be displaced by lower-wage illegals who shouldn't even be here.
They are wrong in turning off the magnets that Trump created to bring factories and jobs back to the United States.
You are manipulating the facts, because Trump has overseen the greatest economic growth in over 50 years, factories, jobs, the lowest unemployment across virtually every demographic, in over 50 years. Trump was rebuilding this country. The Democrats are selling it out and destroying it.

Biden has done enormous destruction to this country in just 8 days as president. God help us all, what he and the Bolsheviks behind him can do in four years.