Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I actually want accountability WB. While you’re throwing your loser tantrum like other trumpers you might not notice people like me who watched the capitol get trashed with an officer being killed by a mob full hate and entitlement. We saw how much trump did to stop the riot. Yeah I want accountability.

If simply citing the facts can fairly be called a "tantrum".
The facts remain the facts, no matter how you try to twist them, sourced and linked by me above.

1) Trump was NOT the cause of the Capitol riot, despite your party's lying narrative. FACTS prove that. The NYPD, FBI, DHS all confirm it was pre-planned, up to a month in advance. NOT incited by Trump.

2) Immediately after the riots, Trump gave a televised message for his supporters to go home, which reporters and police on the grounds say Trump supporters immediately complied with, and left. Despite another attempt by you to slander Trump with another petty allegation.

The only person to be killed was Ashli Babbit, who was ***NOT*** killed by Trump supporters, but was killed by Capitol police, who were incited into shooting Babbitt by **ANTIFA** member John Sullivan, for which he has been ARRESTED. *NOT* by Trump supporters.
And it has yet to be proven that "Trump supporters" killed officer Sicknick either, no one has been identified or arrested. Don't you find that rather strange, M E M? That his attack was partially caught on video, and yet almost a month later, no one has been identified or arrested? It is entirely possible it was another Antifa activist, PRETENDING to be a Trump supporter. And if it had been an ACTUAL Trump supporter, think the 97% Hillary-Clinton-campaign-donating FBI would be more eager to catch and expose him. Since it doesn't fit Democrat-weaponized FBI's anti-Trump narrative, less incentive to expose him.

Even federal prosecutors were incensed that John Sullivan was released from jail and put under house arrest at home. Where he continues to defiantly post his incendiary rhetoric on Facebook and Twitter !
While Trump is banned on both !

The obscene double-standard continues.

Just like your side hyperbolically exaggerates the "insurrection" at the Capitol Jan 6th, but ignores that During the Kavanaugh hearings, leftist groups did just as much if not more damage. Virtually unreported by the liberal Newspeak media.

Or that Black Lives Matter leftists laid seige to the White House back in May and did far more damage, and in an ACTUAL siege, were so close to over-running the White House that Secret Service insisted President Trump evacuate to safer ground.

Or that BLM and Antifa violently assaulted Republican leaders in 2020 as they left the Republican convention, just outside the White House, where Rand Paul and his wife credit officers with saving their lives. And Rand Paul has suffered two pervious assaults form the Democrat/Left, one attack of which hospitalized him, and cost him the permanent loss of hearing in one ear.

Or Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer James Hodgekinson's attack on the Congressional baseball game, where Steve Scalise was almost killed, and almost didn't survive, even with emergency surgery and intensive care.

And against the one relatively small incident at the Capitol on Jan 6th, where everything was back to normal in about 4 hours with virtually no damage to the Capitol, how about the riots and destruction by BLM and Antifa across hundreds of cities nationwhide, whole blocks looted and burned, businesses and jobs lost in the thousands. Over 25 people killed, over 2,000 police officers nationwide injured in those riots. You wail about the Capitol, and pretend like all this vast insurrectionist destruction BY YOUR FANATIC DEMOCRAT SIDE never happened.

The piece of shit Democrats who destroyed statues of our nation's founders, pulled down and destroyed nationwide. Burned them. URINATED on them!
That to me is the ultimate manifestation of the Democrat/Left's intended insurrection and destruction of our country. A deep hatred of our nation, its founders, and its history.

Or how about the government buildings under siege by Democrat/Leftists nationwide? As I recall, one federal building in Portland has been under war-like siege by violent leftists EVERY NIGHT for 90 days. No condemnation of THOSE actual insurrectionists by Democrat House or Senate leaders, or by Biden himself.
Or by you.
No calls by Democrats to infiltrate those groups, to prosecute them, to de-platform them. They plan their violence on Facebook and Twitter uninterrupted ! And as I said, even John Sullivan, WHO LED DESTRUCTION IN THE CAPITOL ON JANUARY 6th, and was arrested for it by the FBI, still posts with his Antifa group on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. No outrage, M E M? No condemnation ?

So... your outrage rings rather hollow, all things considered.
You don't give a damn about attacks on our government, except for what pieces you can twist into propaganda to attack Trump and Republicans.